Bad Advice? Or that you dont like
I'm a part of a few different forums, and o know there is no perfect way to parent, but by golly if there isn't some advice that just rubs me the wrong way.
Advice #1 if baby fusses, or dont sleep through the night put cereal in bottle because obviously the baby is hungry and thats why he/she wakes.
This advice is an old wives tale, if you do want to give cereal to ur baby use a spoon so it's not a hazard. And can help teach the basics of eating. But each baby is different and meds to learn their days and nights. Parenting is not about convience.
So what advice makes you grit ur teeth when you see it?
:disclaimer: I'm not saying anyone is worse than anyone else or better or anything like that
Advice #1 if baby fusses, or dont sleep through the night put cereal in bottle because obviously the baby is hungry and thats why he/she wakes.
This advice is an old wives tale, if you do want to give cereal to ur baby use a spoon so it's not a hazard. And can help teach the basics of eating. But each baby is different and meds to learn their days and nights. Parenting is not about convience.
So what advice makes you grit ur teeth when you see it?
:disclaimer: I'm not saying anyone is worse than anyone else or better or anything like that
But I'm in the minority here. I don't mean to cause issues but I consider it bad advice.
I also hate it when people are trying to push me to start solids. It's like hey i'll decide when, the american academy of pediatrics says ebf til 6 months ATLEAST! And when that don't work and a friend or relative says "i did it with my kids and they're just fine" I reply with "do we really wanna go there with your kids, I mean how do you know that some of your parenting choices didnt effect they're lifestyles" it maybe a little heartless but i'm sick of people trying to feed my 4 month old chocolate pudding, or mashed potatoes and gravy
@pesmommy SMH...I'd be pissed if someone attempted to force food on my baby when I was blatantly & vocally against it.
I also don't feel that women should elect to under go a c-section simply to skip labor for reasons that truly are selfish. I don't care about an agenda or how my vagina will look after having a is a baby, there is nothing more amazing or rewarding than giving birth. I think c-sections should be reserved for medical reasons only.
What annoys me is people telling me how to feed my child!! I exclusively breast fed til she was over 4 weeks before I introduced 1 formula bottle a day hopeing my milk would up an I could pump more but it hasn't happened so I now do both. I get told I should just breast feed but its got to the point I stress an worry which isn't good for me or fair for Hope! Then I get told I should completly switch to formula which I'm not ready for! I feel like I can't win!
@hopes_mummy as long as your doing the best that you can no one should make you feel bad.
@teeniemommy see no one should get upset with another mom b/c she didn't do the same. If that was the case I'd have no friends lol... Some people are crazy
@melodya lol gotta love people at walmart
I hate seeing women medically induced for no reason and induced before they are even due. I know pregnancy cam be shitty and painful those last few weeks but its,what we signed up for.
I used castor oil in a small dose cos I hadnt pooped in 3 days, was a week overdue, 4cm dilated, had 2 s&s and going to be medically induced in 3 days if she didn't come on her own. But certainly wouldnt have done it otherwise.
@lily_glz yay someone understands me lol
I hate that the stupid doctor at the hospital where Rileigh was born forced us to formula feed instead of respecting we wanted to BD exclusively. Yeah, she was toungue tied, but help us did that before we go, not tell me as you are preparing to discharge that if we we don't give her a bottle you will make her stay. We still have issues getting her to latch from that whole incident. >:( I always thought the doctors were supposed to be pro bf.