Castor Oil Attempt (tmi) lots of questions!

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Ok. So I COULD NOT make a bowel movement and won't be induced until next week. Not wanting to go that long without pooping I took 2 tbsp of Castor Oil last night at 830. It went through me at about 2-3 this morning but I only went once. Is that normal?? I am also getting what feels like intense period cramps going into my back. They happen often but aren't very regular (time wise). Early labor or fake labor? ALSO lol I'm scared that the castor oil can cause meconium.... I looked it up before I took it. But now im scared. Whew. Lots of questions and worries lol.


  • What you just described was me in Sept :) I had the same effect as you! However my lil girl did not pass any meconium. But she wasnt over due either. I had her at 39wks
  • When did you take the castor oil? Did it help labor?
  • I was 38wks but dilated to 4cm and 80% effaced and had been for 2 wks. But she just didn't want to come so I talked my ob into inducing me which he did at 39wks n all he had to do was break my water n 7 hrs layer she was here! :)
  • I went to the bathroom loads I took it at 38 weeks and that's all I got out of it but I was also drinking a shit ton of fluid because I was afraid of the same thing but she passed nothing and we ended in a c section at 39 weeks
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