Help!!! I cant put baby down for more than 5 minutes!!

edited November 2011 in Babies
Every time I put her down she cries! If shes sleeping and I put her down she wakes up crying so I pick her up but she falls right asleep in my arms. So I wait another 10 mins and put her down, same thing! If I put her down when shes awake I get MAYBE 10 minutes. Doesnt matter if its on her back, tummy, in her bouncy seat, anywhere she just doesnt want to be put down. I cant do anything! Its 10am and I havent eaten anything because dishes arent done I have nothing to eat off of. Ugh this is so frustrating!


  • how old is she?
    my lil boy was like that the first 5 days of birth :-|
    it was frustrating!!! but he got over it idk how but he did?
  • My daughter gets like that when she has wind. It hurts to be laying flat I think. I would try a warm bath and cycling her legs to see if that shifts anything
  • @lindah22 she is 1 month
    @tinka1326 she is always gassy... maybe thats the problem? She is constantly passing wind
  • the only advice I can give is to let her cry it out! It's got to be done sooner or later and if you have things to do then the only thing you can do is let her cry. It won't hurt her to cry for 5-10 min
  • @BabyLuv8 I hate hearing her cry. Plus I live in an apt so I dont want to P off my neighbours
  • Omg my son is the same way today and idk why. The only place he is content is on my chest..hopefully your daughter lets you get some stuff done sometime today! :)
  • Have u tried putting her in a swing? I find that it helps my LO sleep. If she has gas try gas drops and or gripe water...those also help my LO. will give u advise on the swing. Good luck!
  • @mom2be no swing yet! saving up for one!
  • I know it's tough but, it's good for babies to cry it out sometimes. You may create a very needy baby if you don't lol. It's great to let babies learn how to self-sooth. It will help her in her development & u with your sanity when she does. You're not being a bad or mean mommy! Promise.

    The neighbors can deal with a bit if noise for 5-10-15 mins at a time!
  • Just what mrsrocketfield1221 said I went to school for child development and learned these things. Like she said it will be hard but the longer you do this the more needy she will become!
  • i think u should get a swing. they are life savers lol if u don't have enough right now walmart has this rocker type thingy thats only 30$ i haven't used it yet but it looks like it would rocks and plays songs and has little toys to keep them occupied
  • I don't believe in crying it out. My mother picked up both my brother and me whenever we cried and we were both very independent children growing up.
  • I think crying it out has its usesuses but I personally wouldnt do it till after 3 months. Im lucky my daughter is independant mostly, but my son was a shocker for things like that but there was always something he needed it sometimes just took me a while to work it out. If you cant get drops or something right now to help with wind try a few teaspoons of warm water,my midwife suggested it as stimulates the gut %%-
  • My son will be 7wks tomorrow & he is the same way! he doesnt even like his swing either! I rarely get anything done! I guess I will wait until he is 3months to start letting him cry it out.
  • I agree to wait until 3-4 months to attempt letting baby cry it out. If ur interested in psychosocial development look up Erik Eriksons stages of development. These early months is when babies learn to trust. Leaving them to cry when they feel they need u CAN lead to mistrust.
    My daughter does the same thing. I bought a carrier wrap and I do what u can. If its not emergent it can wait. I've learned to do a lot with one hand. Load the dishwasher, sort laundry, tend to the dogs, etc. U can do it mommie. Patience is a virtue
  • Yup I'm gunna use the crap out of that thing
  • -im not suggesting the baby cries all day, just saying it's ok if they do for a few minutes at a time and working up. Of course you should look in to your babies belly & if it has to do with that. And of course you should try something like a swing or seat you haven't had yet! They're great. And helpful for some children! Lol

    I've studied erikson. New babies if course need lots of nurturing and contact. No doubt about it. Eye contact, talking, smiling, esp. During bf or feeding is so important! Just trying to say it's ok if your child cries & to start learning to self sooth. In no means do i want someone to prop a bottle or ignore their baby! Lol

    Also, does your baby like to be swaddled?
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