Breast and bottle feeding together

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Hiya,my lil man is 11days old and i really want to breast feed only but he seems to be hungry even after i feed him.I started to top him up with formula and im so upset about it!Feel like i failed him!I feel guilty giving him formula!How come some mums manage to just breast feed???Any tips?Pleeeeease? :’( :’( :’(


  • I supplemented with formula in the beginning but now just bf. Just let him suck until he is done. If you kelp supplementing it will lower your milk supply. Your body will produce what he needs. Some days he may want to stay on the boob all day he is upping your supply and possibly going through a growth spurt.
  • Also try pumping in between feeding to help up your supply
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  • @ashleyfew and @samantha thank u very much for tips girls. Im trying my best and breastfeed him but he gets so frustrated when he is hungry that he doesnt want to latch on and throws a right fit! So then i hv to give him bottle to settle him and then back on the breast. I feel so useless and guilty i wanna cry!
  • I went through the same thing. If you're frustrated he will feel it and get mad try to stay calm that helped me and Brody. When he cries give him a few seconds to cry it out he will calm down then try again. I usually hold Brody close when he didn't latch right and he would cry it helped him calm down then try again. But if you supplement with formula you won't produce as much. Let him suck for as long as he wants at first. Get your supply up and figure out how much he will eat. He will let you know when he is full.
  • Remember your babies stomach is only as big as a ping pong ball so you may think that he's hungry but really his stomach can't really take anymore give him the paci
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