heparin shots and state medical?

edited October 2011 in Health
just wondering if anyone knew how much heparin shots will cost? or if my state insurance is going to cover it when I get prego again? I am from Washington State.. :/


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  • awesome! thanks!
  • Heparin is covered. I had it and they paid for it. It cost about 250.00 for a box of heparin.
  • @momof5 what reason did they give you heparin? i have had 3 mc and they finally found out that i have a blood clotting disorder. im really hoping the heparin will work this time!
  • @rjr33 speak to them about taking it along with baby aspirin ie 80-100mg daily. This is well used in australia for blood clotting disorders. My wife is on 40 of heparin and the aspirin every pregnancy until 6 weeks post. Good luck
  • The baby asprin worked for me I had mc last December started taking baby asprin and now im expecting my little girl any day actually. I reliazed before my dr that I had issues with my blood and the baby actually implanting the only thing different I did was the baby asprin for 2.5 months and up until about 3 weeks ago. Good luck
  • State should pay for it. I'm from Washington state as well. They cover any procedure that is pregnancy related.
  • @rjr33. I had heparin due to a prepregnancy blood clot in my lung. I was on coumadin before I got pregnant and had to switch to lovenox for the first 7 months of my pregnancy then was switched to heparin til my induction date. I had to take heparin 3 times a day.
  • @dadof2n1togo did your wife's Dr start her on heparin before you guys got pregnant or after? We are trying again right now and am wondering if I should be starting heparin early or just as soon as I conceive start it. I want to have the best chances lol. Trying to figure out what to do. And my Dr did say something about aspirin.. do I just get low dose aspirin and take 1 daily? sorry so many questions lol.
  • @mylittleman2011 what dose of asprin did you use?
  • @samantha thanks! I wasnt sure if they would cuz its so expensive lol. Makes me happy!
  • @momof5 you took it 3 times daily! Like the shots? or what?
  • As soon as we had first appointment she started it which was about 6wks. And yeah it souls be jjst low dose.
  • Oh Ya they will even cover your prenatal if ypi need iron pills and eye exams and glasses and the dentist are covered. And anything else needed for your pregnancy.
  • I took 81 mg baby asprin
  • Yes. I had it in the morning afternoon and night. I was just taking it once a day but it was so much at 1 time that it made the injection area all red and swell up and itch real bad so I started doing it 3 times a day. It was so much better than the lovenox. Lol.
  • Yes it was a shot in the abdomin. It really doesn't hurt that bad. Make sure you go in at a 45 degree angle and it won't hurt as much. And make sure you have a band aid ready cause it bleeds a lot.
  • U have MTHFR? I do too! I was on lovenox and heparin too during my pregnancy. I found out I had it at 4 weeks so I thankfully didn't mc. But I only found out I had it was cuz of a kidney stone. They put a pick line in after the surgery and I got clots from it. So they put me on lovenox cuz I had a clot and was pregnant. Then they wanted to know why I got the clot in the 1st place since I'm young and healthy. After running some tests they said it was MTHFR and if I didn't have the kidney stone which led to the clot then I would have likely lost my son in a mc cuz clots would form then get stuck in his cord and strangle him to death. So I was happy to find out so soon. But anyways yes ur covered for the shots. I'm in Virginia and without insurance its $500 for 1 month of shots taken twice a day. I have insurance so luckily its only $10 tho :) Sry for that long story.
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