I'm Freaking out and don't know what to do!!! Please read.

edited November 2011 in November 2011
I am 39 weeks pregnant due on Saturday the 5th. I was supposed to go to my 40 week check up tomorrow at 9 am. I get a phone call at 9 this morning confirming the appointment. Well then at 1:30, I was taking my daily nap, when they called and left a voice mail stating that they would have to reschedule the appointment. I call them an hour ago and they tell me my doctor will not be there for two weeks and will have to reschedule my appointment when I am 42 weeks. I told them I was due Saturday and since I am doing a vbac I was going to have the doctor check me. I was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced last Friday and if I hadn't changed I was going to ask for a c-section next week. I have been in pain and discomfort for three days now and was also going to ask him about this. I had a Cesarian with my first child so I have no idea if I am having contractions or what. So they tell me that I won't be able to go in for two weeks. And if they have to schedule a c-section it won't be until I am 43 weeks! I am flipping out! She said if I had any concerns or feel anything or just about anything since I am due Saturday to just go to labor and delivery...this is bullshit! I am pissed I am scared I am nervous and feel like I am left in the dark. I heard that if you go past 41 weeks you have a high chance of having a "sleeping" baby. I'm scared I just don't know what to do! I don't know if this makes sense since I am heated and I am sorry that's its long but I just wanted to see what you ladies and guys think what I should do...I don't want to go to labor and delivery for every little thing that I have because then its just going to aggravate them towards me.......what do I do!


  • They won't schedule an appointment for you with a different Dr??
  • Is there any one else in the. Office that can see you? That is bullshit.
  • Yeah I was 35 weeks and had to reschedule an appointment with a different Dr because mine was out of the office and that wasn't nearly as urgent as your appointment...
  • I would ask for another Dr. That's bs I'm sorry.
  • They have three different doctors in this office and also three different locations but they won't schedule me with them and they won't tell me why they just keep saying just go to labor and delivery if you have any thing...
  • First off I would file a complaint! Then I'd go out to labor n delivery n talk to someone until you feel reassured! That sucks though that they are treating you like that!
  • I would be so pissed!! I also had a csection with my first so when I went into labor with my second I didn't think it was labor I was scheduled for a csection. But when the pain got really bad I went to the hospital. I was dilated too 2cm my baby girls heartrate went down & I ended up having to have an emergency csection. I was knocked out my husband couldnt be in there with me I ws so scared when I woke up I didn't know what was going on with my baby & they said your baby is heath but you are having difficulty breathing so I was hooked up to oxygen. It by far was the scariest situation in my life & my Dr was out of town so I had a Dr that I didn't even know. My baby girl is now 12 weeks & we both are ok. I don't tell you this to scare you I just want you to know if you don't feel right go in to l&d it is better to be safe. Looking back I think I was in labor for a day before realizing it. I wish I would of listen to my body & gone with my gut feeling. Good luck I will be praying for you.
  • I'm 38+5 and my Dr is currently out of town. She made sure to tell me which one of her partners were on call which days and said to call the office if I need anything. It doesn't make sense that her partners wouldn't take u on when she's gone...especially so late in the pregnancy. I would call supervisors and up until I got a real answer and a Dr to see u.
  • Thats crazy!!! Here they wont let you go more than 10 days overdue because then they have plenty of time for induction before the placenta starts to break down and stop working. To even consider letting you go that far over is in my.opinion dangerous. I would be going to l&d to talk to someone about it all and see if there is another way around it
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  • Yea I am definitely filing a complaint against them...this has put me beyond words. I was also talking with my friend Jenny who has three kids and she told me to go to labor and delivery tonight because of the symptoms and pressure and pain I'm having. She said it sounded like I was in labor. She said that way I can get checked either way and let them know about my doctor and go from there....@mom2beof2 Thank you for the prayers and I am so glad that you and your daughter are good and healthy <3 You think I should go to labor and delivery tonight? I have had pelvic pain and pressure for three days now. On tuesday it took me out all day and I have done nothing but really sleep. I went out yesterday and slept in the car but when I walk it feels so heavy and hurts like a very sharp pain. I am even walking bold legged. It feels like (tmi warning) I have to have a bowel movement but can't get it out. I can't hardly sit because everytime I do the pressure sends a pain in my "canal" and I have to move. I also have a real heavy white thick discharge (sorry tmi I know) that has soaked two panties today...and still leaving me feeling wet....with all these symptoms should I go tonight or just wait?
  • I would go in. And if they send u home, I'd go in again. I personally don't do well with being treated unfairly or ignored, so I would be making my presence well known, at the hospital and the ob's office.
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  • That is insane!!! I would surely not want to wait till 43... u gotta be kidding me!! Good lord! & if your risk is higher after 43 why the hell would they want u waiting that long?!? & what happens if u go in to labor u just get whoever is around?! After being with someone for months? I call B.S. too!!! I'd try to talk to someone about this...

    Ugh I'm so sorry.
  • I called L&D and the doctor there said that it sounds like I am having minor contractions. She told me to take a warm bath and take tylenol and try to sleep if it doesn't work to call her back or come in...I hate being in the dark like this...it literally scares me...thank you to everyone that has responded it has calmed me down some <3
  • That sounds like bullshit to me. Once I hit 40weeks I had to go in TWICE a week for an nst. I would definitely file a complaint & go into the office demanding to be seen if I were you.
  • see that's what they did with my first (different doc though) they gave me an nst after my 40 weeks and took him that day because he was supposed to be 10 to 11 pounds and he was still sideways so they did an c-section...I think that is what is scaring me the most is because of how they acted with him...they said no one should go over 41 weeks but now I have to wait 42 just to see my doctor? or a doctor in that fact...I am just so ticked off about this!
  • I would be too especially after already having a csection. Like I said i'd go into the office tomorrow & raise hell!
  • I would go in I had the pressure you're talking about I felt like u had to go Poo but couldn't go. I had pain I couldn't walk I was tired I just didn't feel right. Like I said looking back I wish I would of gone in. It was just a horrible experience & it was so scary I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Before they put me under I could tell that the drs and nurses didn't know if me & the baby would make it so I told them save my baby if it comes to me or her & also please tell my family love them I really didn't know what was going to happen so I say yes go in and make sure everything is ok & you will feel better. Please keep me updated I will continue to pray for you & baby. If you have any questions I'm here or if you just need to talk/vent
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