Since you are do dey'll probably do it anyway... It don't hurt to bad... Jus a very awkward feeling... The first time my doctor did it it didn't work... When I came back a wk later (a wk overdue) my doctor did it again and my water broke two hour later...
I had one and went into labour 3 days later with my son and had 2, 3 days apart with my daughter and went into labour the day after getting the second one. It can be painful and very uncomfortable, but I figured labour is way worse so whats a little pain to get things going
Thanks @mzez2luv@tinka1326 do you have to be dilated for them to do it? The last time I was checked was 2 weeks ago. And I hadn't dilated. But I'm pretty sure I've dilated at least something since then
Yes it hurts. You'll have cramping and bleeding after. My Dr said the key is to stay active with it. After mine I walked bounced on ball had sex cleaned etc. I went into labor 72 hours after. Just when I thought I wouldn't. I had brody on his due date.
Oh ok... then I'm def asking I'm pretty sure I've dilated at least something my orignal due date is today I've been having some mild cramping. Thank you @tinka1326@samantha@mythreesons@kenzie0713@mszcastillo what if you haven't really been active this pregnancy will it still have the same effect?
I would think so. I bounced on my ball and walked the whole pregnancy. I wouldn't say I was super active but I tried to be somewhat. But being active is the only proven way to help your body progress. And all the other girls are lucky it didn't hurt them. Idk why mine hurt but it was way more intense then just getting checked. Good luck I hope your dilated so you can get it done.
Yes it should I went home layed down then went to walmart walked around a lil bit started having contractions as we were checking out I told my husband I need to go to the hospital!! He was like what!! NOW!!! and started throwin everything on the register it was funny
@mythreesons Lol I stay at home all day while my hubby works. When I call him just to see how things are going he freaksout. Its not" hey babe how are you" its " hey is everything ok" lol. But he is get off at 1245 to take me to my apt at 120 so I might see if he wants to go walk the mall. I'm not really feeling walmart I worked there for 3 yrs. I only go there if have too lol. I really just want my baby boy out. @samantha the only thing that has changed since I've been pregnant is not having a job I quit smoking pot which makes you less active. So to me I feel like I've been more active. I try to get out of the house as much as possible but its hard only having one car. I clean all the time because I'm so bored. When I get rly bored ill go on a walk. So I've been trying to stay active.
I was super inactive this pregnancy and had no problems. Even a short walk will help though. I would advise sitting with good posture too it helps shift baby into the right position and put pressure on your cervix
Well we had no food there was no choice in the matter lol I cant stand walmart I was sure I wasnt gonna have him but sure enough he said it was time to see the world @stephforever89
I wasn't really active at all! Jeers what I did, went to Dr on Tuesday had membrane sweep, had some bloody mucous but not much, next day barely any spotting at all then it stopped so that night I had sex and boom bled like crazy next morning went in to be checked, went from 1.5-3 Dr sent me to go walk for 2 hours and come back so instead I went and got on the treadmill and walked as fast as I could without a run for 45 mins went back to Dr and was at a 5 :-)