baby hamm is coming today! **update @ bottom!

edited November 2011 in Labor
Went to the doc @ 11am fluid is low so she's meeting us at the hospital to put me on pitocin and pop baby hamm out. I'm planning to do all natural birth (besides pitocin) I was at 3cm when I went to the doc. Due date was 11/11/11 ill update when I can! First time mom, my anxiety is up!


  • Wow. Congratulations!!! I hope you have an easy labor & hopefully there is no need for meds. I might be right behind you. I was 3 cm on Wed & I just lost my bloody show : )
  • Congrats!!! I'm jealous :p best of luck to you!!!
  • Good luck keep us udated
  • Good luck. I hope you have a smooth delivery.
  • Awh yay!! I'm glad it's your turn good luck!! Hope everything goes great :)
  • They've got me on iv fluids and monitoring baby until a room opens up which should be soon
  • Awh yay!! I'm glad it's your turn good luck!! Hope everything goes great :)
  • They said no pitocin yet they broke my water at about 3:45pm my contractions are about 1min45sec apart I feel light period crampy. Just sitting in the room waiting :)
  • Yay! I want to go natural as well so let me know how things go. Fingers crossed :)
  • Yay I went all natural with my son last Friday its hard but you can do it mama .
  • Just contracting waiting to dialate more. Jeeeeeeeez this is painful for I'm still talking and breathing through the contractions, my doctor said I have an amazingly high threshold for pain.
  • How are you doing. I hope your holding your new bundle.
  • ****update
    After 14 total hours of laboring naturally from very early labor to 8cm and his head was just a couple inches from coming out.. we had to do a csection because his heart rate dropped during contractions.. he had the cord around his neck and over his shoulder, like he was gonna carry the cord out with him. He arrived 11/5/11 @ 4:10am weighing 5lbs5.9oz and 19&3/4inches . I got to the hospital @ noon with not reall any contractions.. doc broke my water late afternoon. Bd and I were very disappointed that we got so far along and had to do csection but whatever is best for baby is what we do. Baby Justin Robert Hamm Jr is breastfeeding like a champ. His weight now 11/7/11 is 5lbs3.8oz he's a teeny tiny bit jaundice (which I was also @ birth & til about 3days after) I will post pics when I get photoshop LOL he's precious and so strong already! Sorry it took so long to update!
  • Congrats!! I'm glad everything went well, now enjoy every second with your new babe!! :D
  • Aw the same thing happened to me,after 21 hours of labor and at 9cm ,my sons heartrate almost flat lined. So I had to have an emergency c section also. We do what we have to for our babies ;) congratulations momma :)
  • Congrats happy to hear you and baby are doing fine :)
  • Congratulations. I hope you have a fast recovery.
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