OMG! Isz It Normal Or Not?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I Have Some Brownishh Discharqe Kinda
Worriedd Idkw Whyy! Haven't Done A
Preqnancyy Test Tho.. :-(


  • How late is your period?
  • I Normalyy Get Themm Like
    Aroundd The Tenthh Er Soo..
    Buhh It'sz Late Alreadyy!
  • I had some spotting and it turned out to be fine. Baby is ok. The doc told me as long as it isn't red and heavy and isn't accompanied by cramping all is well. But you really need to take a test. The babies health is vital now and you need to be on vitamins if you are pregnant.
  • Buhh If It Turnsz Redishh It'sz Badd?
    Soo Whenn I'mm Spottinqq There'sz No
    Krampinqq? Howw Lonqq Doesz Spottinqq Take?
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