my baby finally pooped!!

edited November 2011 in Babies Health
Today would have been the 5th day my 2 week old went without pooping. Yesterday we started giving her gripe water and we tried sticking a thermometer up her bottom to stimulate things, I was getting discouraged because she still hadn't gone, we gave her one more dose of gripe water at about 6 tonight and she just nearly had a blowout. I am so relieved that she finally went!


  • Wow 5 days ! So glad she finally went my daughter is 10 days an she has trouble goin to but never went 5 days poor baby her lil belly prolly feels so much better .
  • I know I felt so bad for her! I told her pediatrician on Friday and she didn't seem all that concerned, I guess its kind of normal, but I was still worried!
  • If there's a next time (hopefully not!) try karo syrup 1tbsp in 2oz of breastmilk or formula. I gave it to my little guy yest morn around 530am and he pooped at 8. I didn't know how effective it was til I used it myself; pedi said 3 days of no poo is cause for concern if the karo syrup doesn't work. So it was starting day 3 and he was sooo crabby cuz his tummy hurt so we tried it. And it had quick success :-) he usually poops 2-3x/day so I can only imagine the tummy ache after 2 1/2 days of no poo and having lots of farts. @samanthadee1688
  • Wat do u ladies considered a poop? My son is 1wk 6days old he poops watery yellow I breast feed so does he's poop sound normal
  • @Roxy, babies who are breastfed will have yellow, seedy poops. So yes, that is normal.
  • breastfed babies can go up to a week without pooping, if she's bottle fed try giving her 1-2oz of water a day that helps, my lo is bf on a night formula fed during day and goes two days without pooping
  • if your feeding your baby formula its normal not to poop babygirl goes 3/4 days..they say its bad to give your baby water so if you do keep it under 1oz. and no karo syrup kuz its bad for them wen they are so young ive tried the thermometer and it didnt work
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