Am I wrong??? Vent
I don't work and my husband does, so there for I take care of our son and new daughter all week long. He works all night and sleeps all day so therefore I take care of her all day except for the occasional 1 diaper change and/or feeding a day. But all week I look forward to the weekend so he can help me with her and we can spend some time together, but on the weekend he wants to stay gone all weekend. He goes to his parents or hangs with his friends or goes to the gym... its always something. Now I really don't have any friends to hang out with and lol if I did it would have to be with kids included. So am I being clingy because I have no friends or is he justified to go out and have fun all weekend and me sit here 7 days a week? The few minutes that he is at home all he talks about is what his friends are doing or whats going on in their life.....Like I care. I have a car and my own money but what the hell am I suppose to do with a 9 yr old and a 6 wk old??? I feel like I'm in a rut and I can't get out. I need to be around people (adults) I think i'm getting depressed. Sorry its so long, i doesn't really matter if anyone reads this I just needed to put it somewhere besides on my mind
@lily_glz I only have two. Lol less is better-less drama.
I'm probably venting myself here but I have come to realize how important communication is after years of a long-distance relationship. Now that we are married and live in the same house it takes just as much communication as it did when we lived 4 hours apart! I hope for the best for you and your hubby!
Its not about you not having a social life. You could have one if you wanted one, but you would end up neglecting your family like he's choosing to do. His parents need to back off as well if they expect him to go over on the weekends. And why isn't he taking the kids with him to see them? My parents would nag me nonstop about why they aren't seeing their grandbabies at that very moment.
I get that everyone needs a time out from life and work. It makes sense. But its a two way street that you only get to cross once in awhile.
If he's so needs a night out regularly, then so do you.
Maybe he can do a 5 to 8 happy hour with the boys after work on fridays or when there's a fight on he can ask to go out.
Every weekend is ridic. and unfair and suspicious. And any man who plays the "I'm a grown man you can't tell me what to do" card on you needs to have the locks on the house changed on him. Its selfish and childish.
My friends husband does that shit to her all the time. I'm lucky bc my BD doesn't have many friends and prefers to stay home and hangout with me.