mongolian spots

edited November 2011 in Babies Health
My little girl is a zebra baby :) black and white. She has a mongolian spot on her tushie and crack. Anyone else with this? It seems to be darker or maybe her coloring is just getting darker in general. When do they fade? Will it ever be gone?


  • My daughter has one on her ankle and top of the tushie crack. At first I thought it was a bruise. When I showed her doctor she said it was a mongolian spot and it may or may not go away. I know Im no help just wanted you to know your not alone
  • My daughter has it too. I think a lot of babies do. Its normal. My niece is too and I think she still has hers. Some fade some don't but it takes time. My son had one and its gone he's 5 now but I don't remember exactly when it went away
  • Lol she's 2 not too
  • Yea... I just looked it up online, it says it may change by school age
  • My son has one on his butt I have one on my shoulder my sisters had them but there's went away!
  • Mine is zebra to lol all 3 of them. My 16 month old has it from her butt up to her shoulders . My 3 year olds still hasn't faded away .an my 10 day old had a real dark one
  • edited November 2011
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  • what's a Mongolian spot???
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  • I vaugely remember them saying something to me in the hospital about it, but I was so out of it I forgot about it. I didn't notice the spot myself until a week and a half later (I never looked at her butt that far up while diaper changes and was always alone with her so no one else saw her bottom when I would hold her after baths) I thought it was a bruise from laying her on her back all the time. I felt so bad. When I told my mom she reminded me about it lol those first few weeks were a blur :)
    @trisharose thanks :)
    @fiirsttiimemommy2b not sure of the clinical definition but its a dark spot found usually on the butt and crack it looks like a purple bruise. My lo's spot is a lil bigger than a quarter
  • The peditrician said something about mix babies having them a lot, not sure if its just mix but I don't think white people get it
  • No problem. Yea mixed, skin with pigmentation so white people wouldnt get them. It said something about the pigment not reaching that area. So thats why your baby girl has it. Completely harmless but I really hope it goes away lol
  • My kids both had it on their butt they are mixed black and asian and other styff.. But all my neices and nephews have it too and they are not black lol
  • my bby grl does too && shes zebra!! on her butt/lower back!
  • I had it as a baby..I'm pretty sure it fades while they are babies..
  • Uhh.. pictures?
  • My baby's is fading. She is 6 months. It's not near as bad as it was
  • Why do they call it that?! Lol. But yea babies of any nationality besides white can get them. Most common are black and asian babies. I have never met a person with one as an adult so theres good news. Birth marks can also look like them. I knew a girl with a birth mark on her face that looked like one. Most common place is lower back and butt.
  • Is dat them dark spot dats look like a bruise, I didn't kno it was a name for them. My daughter has one on her butt, back, & shoulder but I knew it was normal & would go away because I seen it on my nieces & nephews!
  • BD has one on his butt
  • When lo wakes up ill post a pic of it @caroline8_p
  • my baby has a bruice looking spot on her back she's Hispanic or Mexican lol
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