I went to the bathroom at 3ish in the morning and had my bloody show. Contractions started right after that. I went back to bed and laid there for an hour timing them. They were about five minutes apart but growing stronger. So I got up to take a shower and shave... since I had been lazy lol. After that I walked around my house, used my labor ball. At about fivish my water broke so I called my doula and gave her the heads up. Contractions were now three minutes apart. So I went back to bed and relaxed until my husband woke up at 7. I then walked around my place some more with my husband helping me when I needed support by massaging my back and giving pressure where needed. At 9 he had to go to the dr to get asthma medication (this was a schedueled visit and I made him go because he was out and I didn't want him to have an attack while I was delivering our baby lol) So while he was gone I went back to bed and relaxed until he got home. My contractions were growing stronger but still three minutes apart. At 10 hubby helped me back into the shower and my contractions suddenly went from three minutes to one minute and I began to feel pushy. So we called my doula and she headed over and hubby helped me out of the shower and dressed and got everything into the car. I decided to drink some fruit juice and threw that up with one of my contractions. The pushing feeling was growing stronger so we went to the hospital when my doula showed up. At the hospital I get to my room and get checked. I'm at a five but very soft and stretchy. I'm still wanting to push but they tell me not too. So for half an hour I had to breath through my contractions and try not to push. That got my body to relax and I went from a five to complete. I felt his head moving down and told the nurse who checked and was like "yup, that's the head." My dr had to run up to delivery lol he was almost born before she made it. He did get stuck at the shoulders so it took a few extra pushes but then Isaac was here! I did delayed cord clamping and he was put directly on my chest and stayed there for an hour and nursed that first half hour. Labor was roughly 9 hours and we weren't even at the hospital an hour when he was born. My doula says if I had stayed home another 20 minutes he would have been born there lol! It was a natural labor/delivery which is what I wanted. And even if I wanted drugs I wouldn't have had time to get them lol
Well with my daughter I was a week over due. I woke up thinking I had to poop because my stomach hurt...i kept going to the toilet and nothing. My mom woke up and asked me what I was doing and I told her I had to go to the bathroom but I couldn't. She told me I was in labor and I didn't believe her...i was such a wimp I couldn't take the contractions and went it while they were prob more then 5 minutes apart and asked for an epidural right when I got there. They gave me an epidural at 4cm..they broke my water and I layed there till it was time to push and she came out less then 20 minutes later. Total of 7 hours labor.
With my son it was way faster. While cooking a late dinner with my whole family over I got my first contraction. I went to shower and the contractions were coming fast. I got there at 4cm and asked for an epidural it took a while but when they put it in my water broke and I felt a burning sensation and so they checked ne and told me it was time to push...he came out on my second or third push. Total labor was prob less then 3 hours. No one got to the hospital in time because they thought I would be there longer. I'm scared baby number three will be born in the car!
Went to my 39 wk appt on Friday, Oct. 7th, the day right before my due date. I was surprised when my doc told me that I wouldn't make it past the weekend & that if I went walking that day, I could go into labor that night or next. So since it was an unseasonably beautiful, warm October day, I went walkin downtown with my parents & nephews. I walked almost 2 miles. I was havin irregular contractions throughout the walk & I remember bein real irritable & takin it out on my nephews. I went to my parent's house & had some spaghetti & choc chip cookies lol. I went to my house & layed down cuz I was exhausted & feelin very uncomfortable. My contractions went from 10 mins to 5 mins, then when they started every 3 mins they were painful. I took a shower & they kept gettin worse so I called baby daddy & told him it was time to go to the hospital. I checked into the hospital a lil after midnite right on my duedate. I was @ 2 cm when I got there & started to progress really fast on my own. In a couple hours I was 4 cm & 100% effaced & had my bloody show. I was in a lotta pain cuz I had bad back labor, it sucked! A short while later I was finally admitted to a room & I was in agony. Finally around 5am I was 5cm & got the epidural, I was in heaven. Then my water broke in the middle of them givin me the epidural lol. I was in NO pain whatsover. Even @ 8am when they told me I was 10cm & ready to push, I was like really? Ok, let's do this! @ 9:09 my gorgeous babygirl was born with the cord wrapped around the neck, not breathin/cryin. Tons of docs rushed in and after what seemed like forever, she cried! I had a bad tear & laceration, took them like an hour to stitch me up then I FINALLY got to hold my lil beauty. So a total of 11 hrs in labor. I'm SO happy I went into labor on my own & didn't need Pitocin or anything else to help me along. Can't believe it's been almost 4 wks already, seems like just yesterday!
With my son I was 5 days overdue had a SS 3 days before, woke up at 6am with mild contractions 15mins apart, I laboured at home till 5.30pm then went into the hospital. They didn't feel that it was real labour as I didn't appear to be in enough pain because I wasn't carrying on about the pain but I insisted on an internal before being sent home, thank god I did because I was 6cm lol I walked through my whole labour and had a shower and used the gas for about 2hours around 10pm i felt the need to push and I was 9cm, I had my waters broken and was instantly at 10cm and ready to push. I tried laying on my back but it felt unnatural so after a few position changes I somehow ended up on hands and knees under the bed lol after an hour of pushing my little boy arrived 17hours after the first contraction I only had a small labial tear.
With my daughter I was 7 days overdue. I took small doses of castor oil through the day and nothing happened. At 10.30pm I was laying in bed trying to sleep when I felt the first contraction. I got up to go to the toilet and every time I had to go I got a contraction and after an hour I woke my partner to get ready and got in.the shower. As soon as I got in I felt I needed to.push and called to my partner to call the hospital and my.mum to come get my son. At 12.30am we got to the hospital and I begged to be allowed to push. They checked me and I was 10cm as soon as I started to push my waters broke and she came out on the second push only 2 hours 10mins after the first contraction, I got to pull her half out myself it was amazing. No tearing
@littlefae sounds great im hoping i can coup without meds. @ta2edblondie sounds like a great experience. I was at first looking to maybe doing a birthing center but chickened out. Depending on how my birth goes this first time around we will see if i decide differently with the next one. @myheartzx3 i would be freaked out i would deliver in the car too if i were you.. lol when are you due? @oc86 wow sounds crazy your water breaking during the epi... and im most likely gonna have to get pit to start my labor my lil man just doesnt wanna do this on his own plus i have GD so she wants to induce me anyways. So this thursday is the day! He better hurry up and try coming on his own lol. @tinka1326 what is an SS? & under the bed? LOL what the heck? Wow your 2nd labor sounds like it went super fast... I also thought about pulling my son out the rest the way if my doctor allows.. but i havent talked to her about it just yet. @october15baby wow sounds like you had horrible day nurses. there just plain lazy and not caring. I really hope i get nice nurses because my mom works at the hospital im going to deliver at and trust me im the type of person i will go off on someone. LoL my bd and i were just talking about that today if the nurses are mean his moms side of the family is really out spoken so they will deff speak there mind lol. Im sorry u had such a hard time with the nurses but it sounds like your lil man is fat and happy now!
& to @everyone sorry it took me so long to reaspond once i seen how many responses i got i knew i had to get on the computer to respond to you all. Ive been busy cleaning and getting ready for baby since he will be here or should be here by thursday. Hoping to see many more stories as i love reading them! & for all the mommies that havent had baby yet, tag ur self and share your stories after the big day! Have a great night!!!
Sorry SS is a stretch and sweep. My second labour was almost too fast, didn't give me time to get used to everything lol and seriously if possible see if you cam.pull bubs out, I never even considered it till my midwife told me to grab her but im so so glad I did
My due date was 9/28 but babygirl didn't come....the next morning though at around 3 in the morning I went to the restroom and lost my mucus plug...at like 5 in the morning I started having contractions but they weren't that serious so I went back to sleep...I had an appointment at 11 that day...I woke up at 8 cause I was so anxious lol took a shower and lost dynamite of my mucus plug...I went back to sleep and woke back up at like 930 and started getting ready for the doctor while having mild contractions... So I get ready and my bf waits til the last minute to get ready and is taking his time while my contractions are getting stronger finally we get to the doctor and they noticed how much pain I was in and so my doctor checked my and I was 3cm dilated so she sent me to the hospital....by the time I got settled in and hooked up to the iv and checked got the first time I was already 4cm and couldn't take the contractions anymore so I went ahead and got my epidural this was at like 1 or 2 by 4 I was 6cm then by like 6I was complete....I was waiting for my doctor to get there so that I could push cause I wanted her to deliver my baby... So she finally got there and we did three sets of pushes and babygirl came right in out at 6:56 8lbs 11oz and measuring 20 1/2in long....I was so glad that I wasn't in labor for like 30 something hours
I wish i had a great story like some of these ladies but i dont. I was in labor for 73.5 hours it was horrible. Back labor and hes head never dropped like it should have. It ended in a er c section
@tinka1326 what does a ss doo exactly? Does it hurt? @newmomma13 sounds like you had a good experience. @everyone did your epi hurt? And what was the worst part of your birthing experience? @mzcastillo looking forward to it. @kindell holy cow 73.5 hours momma that's nuts. I'm seriously hoping my lil man works with mommy. What does back labor feel like if you could describe it? You sound very strong to have labored so long! You have my props that's for sure. How was your experience with c-section, if you don't mind me asking.
I was in labor for so long because his head wouldnt drop. I pushed for a long time dont remember how long. I had an epi so back labor made my shoulders and neck hurt it was a pain all over. My c section just felt like pressure but his head did go down some so when they did the c section a dr had to go in vaginally and push him back up to pull him out. That was a lot of pressure. It just sucks because i was in labor so long i was shaking so bad i couldnt hold my bby for awhile. Nurses had to hold me down i was shaking so bad. Then because of the long labor i was running a fever and ended up with a infection. It went on for weeks and then it had to be drained. Please dont let my story scare you. My labor is not normal. I had to be induced due to high blood pressure.
@kindell wow sounds like one bad experience. I'm being induced in 3 days due to GD and bp is getting a bit high. I'm not scared really just yet. Just really hoping everything goes well and in my favor so I won't need a c-section. I bet u were exhausted from your labor and delivery! I can't even imangine that...
Well if you have started yo dilate your doc inserts s finger into your cervix and tries to stretch it to dilate more, then runs their finger around babies head between your cervix and the membrane if your waters. They do this because it helps your body to release the hormone needed to start labour. Its not a comfortable procedure, some women say its very painful, I found it more uncomfortable than painful... But anything to try to bring on labour at that point was well worth it. Worst part of birth for me was my stitches and peeing after my first birth... That hurts!!! Everything went so great second time I have no complaints!!
I wen't to my dr appointment last Tuesday and when he checked me I was 1cm and 70% effaced, I went home that day and had sex, I woke up the next day at 4am having contractions that were about 10 minutes apart and I couldn't get back to sleep. At 7:30am I had sex and took my fiance to work and went home, took a shower, walked the dog, did 20 minutes on the treadmill, and I tried to bounce on the ball and do some squats, but it was too painful! I was losing pieces of my plug alllll day long! By then my contractions were about 4 minutes apart so I called my dr to see if I should go in and they told me to go! So I got the rest of my things together, went and picked up my fiance from work and drove myself to the hospital they checked me around 3:20pm and I was 100% effaced and 5 cm and my contractions were 3 minutes apart, I was admitted and told I could get my epi whenever. I waited about an hour before getting it, it hurt so bad! I'm not sure if the guy did it wrong or if I moved or what, but I cried everything was great after I got it though, I was in a much better mood and had 0 feeling from my waist down! Another hour later they broke my water and I was 8 cm. My bp was a little low so I had to get put on oxygen, then at about 7:20pm they told me we were going to get ready to push, at 8:03pm my little guy was born he was 7lb 9oz and 20 3/4 in long. My fiance cut the cord and we got to take pictures! I had a small tear on my inner wall and had to get a few stitches (I was so scared when I saw them going at my vag with a needle!!! Then I remembered I had an epidural lol) I had a really easy pain free labor Now Raistlin is 4 1/2 days old and he's doing great!
At my 37 week appointment, my doctor checked me for dilation and effacement and I was only a fingertip dilated and 50% effaced. He suggested that I get a dose of prostin the following week to encourage my cervix to thin and dialate. My appointment for prostin was scheduled for the following Tuesday at 9am, I was 37 weeks 5 days. The procedure took about an hour and a half and I was able to go to work afterwards. Well I started having contractions at work around 2pm about every 15-20 minutes. When I left work atround 6pm, the contractions seemed to be more intensive and frequent. When I made it home about 7:15pm, I stared to time my contractions. They were every 5 minutes lasting about 30 seconds to 1 minute. I wasn't sure if I was in active labor or if I was experiencing side effects from the prostin. The nurse told me that morning after the procedure that a change in activity will stop contractions if your not in active labor. I didn't have much of an appetite so I just ate a chicken leg. I took a warm shower, drank two glasses of water, and rested in my left side. Still having contractions so I called labor and delivery. I told them my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart lasting about 30 seconds. They told me that they should be 3-5 minutes apart and last at least 1 minute and I should barely be able be able to walk, talk, or breathe through the contractions. Well I guess I have a high tolerance for pain because I pacing the floor while talking on the phone to the nurse in triage. The nurse told me she was trying to save me a trip, to drink more water and rest an hour more. I drank more water, but I couldn't rest, the contractions were too painful! My husband works in the evening, so I called him to come home early. By the time he made it home, it was 10pm, contractions still coming so strong that I was in tears. At 10:45pm, I couldn't take it anymore, I told my husband to take me to the hospital. As I am grabbing my bag, my water breaks! It felt gross! I wasn't leaving the house without cleaning myself up first. We made it to the car with mine and baby's bag and hubby starts driving 80-100 mph the whole way there. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the hospital from our house. That was the most longest, most bumpy ride ever! As we are pulling into the hospital, I start to feel my baby pushing down, she's coming, I screamed! Hubby pulled into the ER driveway instead of taking me to L&D. He ran in to get the staff to help me out the car. When he ran back out my baby's head had crowned! I was holding her head! The staff picked me up out the car and put me on a stretcher. As they are wheeling me in, the rest of my baby's body slid out. She was born in the hallway of the ER!
I learned that I should have followed my instincts and went to the hospital even after the stupid nurse told me she was trying to save me a trip!
It was all worth it. She was born 11-1-11 at 11:39pm, 5lbs 13oz!
@tinka1326 oh is that what they call a sweep? @myheartzx3 im due Nov 15th but being induced Thursday Nov 10th @pawgio sounds like an good experience i would freak if i saw them about to stitch me up! @poodle_roberts Holy cow amazing! you must have a high pain tolerance. @Kindell yeah i was a 2 and 50% thin on friday so who knows now..
I had my baby on the 6/10/11 I didn't realise I was in labour at first cause I had been contracting since 24 weeks in and out of hospital but that morning I woke up contracting and didn't feel great so I went to bed about half hour into my sleep I heard a big POP sound so I stood up cause I fort it was my waters going but nothing leaked out so I went back to bed fort nothing of it then 10 mins later I got really strong contractions 3 mins apart so I went to the bath room and then I had a gush of water the head was so low it had blocked the water comin out so I called the birth centre and they called a ambulance when the ambulance got to me my contractions were 1 minute apart they checked me and I was 6 cm dilated already so they rushed me to hospital in the ambulance then 2 minutes away from the hospital my lil man decided too push him self out and was born in the ambulaunce I didn't have my partner or my mum with me and had no pain relief was not a very nice labour but they said it only lasted 1hr 40 mins my sons name is Harley James he was 2 weeks early. Weighing 6.11
@barnecuth wow another crazy storie i would be so scared and upset if my bd couldnt be there with me. So happy you and your little man or doing okay! At least he has a really birth stories
I had an appointment 3 days past my due date and i was still only dilated to a 1. I was miserable, uncomfortable, and my blood pressure was kind of high that day so my dr decided to induce me, plus the sono measured him to be over 9lbs so she basically asked when I wanted to go in so I told her that night or the next day, I did not wanna have to work another day lol. I went in at 9pm that night and finally got the pitocen around 10:30. My water broke quickly on its own at 12:45am but the rest of labor wasn't so quick..I didn't get much rest that night because I was having pretty regular contractions but I was only dilated to a 3 by 12pm the next day! My contractions started to get worse after they checked me that time and I asked for the epi soon because I didn't want it to be too late where I couldn't get one and good thing I asked for one when I did because it turned into a 2 hour process! The lady got it in but the vertebrae pinched the tube and she couldn't get the medicine in so she took it out, renumbed me, but then she got an emergency c section call so she had to leave the room and was gone for an hour! They let me lay back down and when she finally came back in it took 3 or 4 more times of her inserting it in to get it in a good place where the medicine would go in! It was horrible but sooo worth it cuz all the pain immediately went away.. By the time it was in I was dilated to a 5 but I was finally able to sleep, I took a 3 hour nap and I woke up at 5pm and had major pressure down low, they checked me and sure enough I was fully dilated! I could have started pushing as much pressure as I felt but I had to wait 25mins or so for them to get everything ready and for my dr to get there..once my ob got there I pushed for about 30mins and Dustin was born at 5:58pm on October 12th, 7lbs 14.8oz 20.25inches long. I had a 2nd degree tear and got stitches but it wasn't too bad.. He had a bowel movement on his way out and we both had a slight fever so i didnt get to hold or really see him until later..they rushed him to the nursery, luckily my hubby got to go with and kept me updated..thankfully he didn't breathe any of the meconium in and his temp went down after his bath but then ironically enough his temp went too low and he had troubles keeping it up. He had a lower than avg temp and high respiration for a couple days and had to be monitored overnight for the first night but after he coughed up mucous a couple times he was perfectly fine and his temp regulated too!.. labor was very long and there were a few hiccups along the way but everything turned out great and are still going great now! Im so in love with him its crazy
@mommy2b123 Sounds crazy! Im so scared for the epi its not even funny! Many props for not freaking out on the anestheiologist! I deff would have. So good to hear you and baby are doing good. & awesome he didnt swallow any meconium he got very lucky. Im scared of that happening as well.
i was due 9/26 well that day came & went with no sign of labor at all. on 10/4 i was 41+1 & went to my nst, u/s, & midwife appt. while seeing the midwife she set up an induction for the following night (10/5) but she also stripped my membranes. within 2hrs of leaving the appt contractions started, at that point they were about 15 minutes apart. my fiance, mil, & i decided to go walk around k-mart to try and get the contractions to pick up, which they did..they got to about 5 minutes apart so we went home, i took a shower, and we headed to l&d. by this point im in excruciating pain. i was having back labor which is no freaking joke btw. when i finally got hooked up to the monitors my contractions had slowed down and i was only 1cm so they told me to walk for an hour or so to see if i would progress more. i walked for the hour, came back to the room to get checked, and had made no progress so they sent me home. i was freaking furious! i was supposed to be induced the next day anyways so i didn't see why they didn't just keep me. anyways we get in the car on our way home & contractions pick up to 2-3 minutes apart. i sat at home for about 30mins and around midnight said screw this im going back. so i get back to l&d, get checked and im still only about 1-2cm BUT with how much pain i was in and contractions as close as they were they finally decided to keep me. i was hooked up to pitocin and just had to chill from there. at 3am my water broke (which was probably the coolest thing feeling it break on its own, something i thought i wouldn't get to experience). 830 i got checked and was still only about a 2 or 3 but they allowed me to get the epi because my contractions were coming one on top of the other thanks to the pitocin. a couple hours after that the midwife on call for that day came in to check on me and since i was still only 3cm & my sons hb kept dropping with each contraction she decided a csection would be best. so after a little over 24hrs of labor (& not getting past 3freakingcms) my son was born via csection at 3:26pm on 10/5/11
I woke up at 1:30 am to go to the bathroom and after i was done peeing more liquid poured out and i was like i think my water broke so my hubby came into the bathroom and i stood up and more gushed onto the floor. Lol. So we headed to the hospital. By 6:30 am i still hadn't gone into labor so they put me on pitocin. With in 45 min i was contracting hard and i got the epi around 7:45 am. Started pushing at 10 am. After an hour and a half of pushing they had to use the vacuum because she was slighty turned and not straight head down.. She was born at 12:27pm, 10/24 with the cord wrapped around her neck three times and she was a lil blue. They had to take her to the nicu. After an hour i finally got to hold her. Marlie Jane Trondson. 5lbs 5oz and 18 1/2 inches long.
I was 40w 5 days and I woke up at almost 4 in the morning to pee. I normally don't turn the lights on, but this time I did. I noticed what looked like my bloody show, but I could have sworn I already had it, the difference this time was the blood was bright red, so I was nervous. I called my Dr.'s office and spoke to the nurse on call and they told me to go to the hospital. I woke my bf up and told him we needed to go to the hospital. So, we started the 30 min drive. I unfortunately did not get gas the day before like I intended, so we had to get gas.. OMG, who would have thought it would be so hard to find a gas station that was open at that time! We found one and at this point, I started feeling what I now know was contractions. I think they were brought on by my boyfriend's driving. I told him that I had not felt our baby move since I peed and I think that freaked him out. I was already scared myself, but trying to keep myself together til we made it to the hospital. He was doing over 80 on the highway and I felt the contractions coming every 2-5 minutes. Right before we got off the exit to the hospital, I felt him move, so that calmed me down a little, but I was still a little nervous about the bright red blood. My bf dropped me off at L&D to go park the car and they took me into triage and checked everything and confirmed that I was indeed having consistent contractions and was in labor.She didnt say anything about the bright red blood,so I assumed it was normal. I was 80% and 3-4 cm. Since I was already overdue they signed me in and told me to walk around for an hour so they could set my room up. After an hour walking around and the contractions getting stronger, I went back into triage and the nurse took us to our room. She told me to drink a lot of water and walk for another 30 min and they would check me again. I guess there was a shift change and I had a new nurse to come in and she told me that I could lay down and they would prep me for an epidural. I told the nurse that I did not want to get an epidural too early bc I did not want it to wear off. She assured me it would not wear off and if I started feeling anything, I could press "the button" and it would give me more medicine. Well, at 4cm, the anestesiologist came in to give me the epidural and I did not feel anything from the waist down. The epidural itself was pain free as well. The Dr. came in and broke my water shortly after the epi. I was in a euphoric state for a while. So every hour after that the nurse would come in and check me until I was 100% and at a 10. It wasn't until around 6 pm, I was at 100% and at a 10, but a tiny piece of the cervix was still there so they told me they were going to give me pitocin to help it move. Then after a couple hours,my blood pressure dropped,so they gave me medicine for that and then my baby's heart rate began to speed up so they took me off the pitocin. The nurse then had me turn to my side to get the cervix to move. At this point it was about 9pm, within 5 minutes of me laying on my side I felt the strong urge to push and I told the nurse and she checked me and she said she felt my babies head. At this point, my epidural had sure enough worn off. I began to cry because I could feel everything and was scared out of my mind. The nurse told me I couldn't press the button anymore but to do some practice pushes if that would make me feel better and then The Dr came in and told me that he could tell that I was physically worn out since I had been in labor since 5 that morning at that point and that he could use the forceps or vaccuum. He then went on to tell me the cons of using those methods. I told him I did not want to use either of those methods and he tells me "well, keep pushing through" as he walks out the room. I would make progress pushing and then my baby would go back in in between pushes. This frustrated me even more. I would have been ok if I wasn't feeling everything!! Needless to say after pushing for almost 3 hours, I pushed my baby out as far as I could and I felt the "ring of FIRE" and the Dr. pulled him out the rest. Gabriel was born at 11:56 pm on 10/20. I tore and I could feel it all and the Dr.told me he had to give me a couple stitches and I could feel the needle as he was numbing me down there. I didn't get to hold my baby immediately bc there was meconium after being in labor so long they wanted to make sure it wasnt in his lungs. It wasn't so they brought him over to me for skin to skin. I didn't see my baby's face until after the 30 min of skin to skin and fell in love immediately. I read all the stories where everyone says they forget the pain, but I still have not forgot that pain. I LOVE MY BABY though!! And am happy that it's over with! Sorry its so long!
I went to the bathroom at 3ish in the morning and had my bloody show. Contractions started right after that.
I went back to bed and laid there for an hour timing them. They were about five minutes apart but growing stronger.
So I got up to take a shower and shave... since I had been lazy lol.
After that I walked around my house, used my labor ball.
At about fivish my water broke so I called my doula and gave her the heads up. Contractions were now three minutes apart.
So I went back to bed and relaxed until my husband woke up at 7.
I then walked around my place some more with my husband helping me when I needed support by massaging my back and giving pressure where needed.
At 9 he had to go to the dr to get asthma medication (this was a schedueled visit and I made him go because he was out and I didn't want him to have an attack while I was delivering our baby lol)
So while he was gone I went back to bed and relaxed until he got home.
My contractions were growing stronger but still three minutes apart.
At 10 hubby helped me back into the shower and my contractions suddenly went from three minutes to one minute and I began to feel pushy.
So we called my doula and she headed over and hubby helped me out of the shower and dressed and got everything into the car. I decided to drink some fruit juice and threw that up with one of my contractions. The pushing feeling was growing stronger so we went to the hospital when my doula showed up.
At the hospital I get to my room and get checked. I'm at a five but very soft and stretchy. I'm still wanting to push but they tell me not too. So for half an hour I had to breath through my contractions and try not to push.
That got my body to relax and I went from a five to complete.
I felt his head moving down and told the nurse who checked and was like "yup, that's the head."
My dr had to run up to delivery lol he was almost born before she made it.
He did get stuck at the shoulders so it took a few extra pushes but then Isaac was here!
I did delayed cord clamping and he was put directly on my chest and
stayed there for an hour and nursed that first half hour.
Labor was roughly 9 hours and we weren't even at the hospital an hour when he was born.
My doula says if I had stayed home another 20 minutes he would have been born there lol!
It was a natural labor/delivery which is what I wanted. And even if I wanted drugs I wouldn't have had time to get them lol
With my son it was way faster. While cooking a late dinner with my whole family over I got my first contraction. I went to shower and the contractions were coming fast. I got there at 4cm and asked for an epidural it took a while but when they put it in my water broke and I felt a burning sensation and so they checked ne and told me it was time to push...he came out on my second or third push. Total labor was prob less then 3 hours. No one got to the hospital in time because they thought I would be there longer. I'm scared baby number three will be born in the car!
With my daughter I was 7 days overdue. I took small doses of castor oil through the day and nothing happened. At 10.30pm I was laying in bed trying to sleep when I felt the first contraction. I got up to go to the toilet and every time I had to go I got a contraction and after an hour I woke my partner to get ready and got in.the shower. As soon as I got in I felt I needed to.push and called to my partner to call the hospital and my.mum to come get my son. At 12.30am we got to the hospital and I begged to be allowed to push. They checked me and I was 10cm as soon as I started to push my waters broke and she came out on the second push only 2 hours 10mins after the first contraction, I got to pull her half out myself it was amazing. No tearing
@ta2edblondie sounds like a great experience. I was at first looking to maybe doing a birthing center but chickened out. Depending on how my birth goes this first time around we will see if i decide differently with the next one.
@myheartzx3 i would be freaked out i would deliver in the car too if i were you.. lol when are you due?
@oc86 wow sounds crazy your water breaking during the epi... and im most likely gonna have to get pit to start my labor my lil man just doesnt wanna do this on his own plus i have GD so she wants to induce me anyways. So this thursday is the day! He better hurry up and try coming on his own lol.
@tinka1326 what is an SS? & under the bed? LOL what the heck? Wow your 2nd labor sounds like it went super fast... I also thought about pulling my son out the rest the way if my doctor allows.. but i havent talked to her about it just yet.
@october15baby wow sounds like you had horrible day nurses. there just plain lazy and not caring. I really hope i get nice nurses because my mom works at the hospital im going to deliver at and trust me im the type of person i will go off on someone. LoL my bd and i were just talking about that today if the nurses are mean his moms side of the family is really out spoken so they will deff speak there mind lol. Im sorry u had such a hard time with the nurses but it sounds like your lil man is fat and happy now!
& to @everyone sorry it took me so long to reaspond once i seen how many responses i got i knew i had to get on the computer to respond to you all. Ive been busy cleaning and getting ready for baby since he will be here or should be here by thursday. Hoping to see many more stories as i love reading them! & for all the mommies that havent had baby yet, tag ur self and share your stories after the big day!
@newmomma13 sounds like you had a good experience.
@everyone did your epi hurt? And what was the worst part of your birthing experience?
@mzcastillo looking forward to it.
@kindell holy cow 73.5 hours momma that's nuts. I'm seriously hoping my lil man works with mommy. What does back labor feel like if you could describe it? You sound very strong to have labored so long! You have my props that's for sure. How was your experience with c-section, if you don't mind me asking.
Worst part of birth for me was my stitches and peeing after my first birth... That hurts!!! Everything went so great second time I have no complaints!!
aren't u due soon? Is this ur first
At my 37 week appointment, my doctor checked me for dilation and effacement and I was only a fingertip dilated and 50% effaced. He suggested that I get a dose of prostin the following week to encourage my cervix to thin and dialate. My appointment for prostin was scheduled for the following Tuesday at 9am, I was 37 weeks 5 days. The procedure took about an hour and a half and I was able to go to work afterwards. Well I started having contractions at work around 2pm about every 15-20 minutes. When I left work atround 6pm, the contractions seemed to be more intensive and frequent. When I made it home about 7:15pm, I stared to time my contractions. They were every 5 minutes lasting about 30 seconds to 1 minute. I wasn't sure if I was in active labor or if I was experiencing side effects from the prostin. The nurse told me that morning after the procedure that a change in activity will stop contractions if your not in active labor. I didn't have much of an appetite so I just ate a chicken leg. I took a warm shower, drank two glasses of water, and rested in my left side. Still having contractions so I called labor and delivery. I told them my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart lasting about 30 seconds. They told me that they should be 3-5 minutes apart and last at least 1 minute and I should barely be able be able to walk, talk, or breathe through the contractions. Well I guess I have a high tolerance for pain because I pacing the floor while talking on the phone to the nurse in triage. The nurse told me she was trying to save me a trip, to drink more water and rest an hour more. I drank more water, but I couldn't rest, the contractions were too painful! My husband works in the evening, so I called him to come home early. By the time he made it home, it was 10pm, contractions still coming so strong that I was in tears. At 10:45pm, I couldn't take it anymore, I told my husband to take me to the hospital. As I am grabbing my bag, my water breaks! It felt gross! I wasn't leaving the house without cleaning myself up first. We made it to the car with mine and baby's bag and hubby starts driving 80-100 mph the whole way there. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the hospital from our house. That was the most longest, most bumpy ride ever! As we are pulling into the hospital, I start to feel my baby pushing down, she's coming, I screamed! Hubby pulled into the ER driveway instead of taking me to L&D. He ran in to get the staff to help me out the car. When he ran back out my baby's head had crowned! I was holding her head! The staff picked me up out the car and put me on a stretcher. As they are wheeling me in, the rest of my baby's body slid out. She was born in the hallway of the ER!
I learned that I should have followed my instincts and went to the hospital even after the stupid nurse told me she was trying to save me a trip!
It was all worth it. She was born 11-1-11 at 11:39pm, 5lbs 13oz!
@myheartzx3 im due Nov 15th but being induced Thursday Nov 10th
@pawgio sounds like an good experience i would freak if i saw them about to stitch me up!
@poodle_roberts Holy cow amazing! you must have a high pain tolerance.
@Kindell yeah i was a 2 and 50% thin on friday so who knows now..
Weighing 6.11