who's the daddy?!?

edited March 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
I dated a guy Robby for a while a few years back and I've been in love with him ever since. After he dumped me I didn't date ...evenually I thought he's not coming back its time to move on so I did. I started seeing this guy Jason casually. I wasn't in love with jason but it took my mind off robby. Well robby came back... I immediatly broke it off with jason for robby. I slep with jason on 09-21 and slept with robby exactly 1 week later on 09-28. Now the kicker is I took the morning after pill about 80 hours after the unprotected sex with jason. The first day of my last period was on 09-15. I know the pill can work up to 5 days but who really knows. Jason is black n robby is white so obviously ill find out when the baby is born but the suspense is drivng me crazy!!!! They both know that I don't know who the father is and needless to say robby again wants nothing to do with me. Jerk. (There's a lot of drama) right now I'm trying to concintrate on the baby being healthy but a lot of times I get so depressed when I think that the baby might be jasons because I want him to be robbys. What's done is done and I can't change it but I was wondering if anyone else has a similar situation...


  • Im in the same situation as you . Not many people put it out there like that i guess. At first i was ashamed of my Pregnancy because I didnt know who the father was. I still feel depressed and ashamed at times and wonder what others will think about me because i live in such a small town , but it happens a lot here tho . I had sex with my Ex a lot . We are in love and still is but our relationship, or whatever it is we are doing is really rocky. I have sex with him all the time in December. I was talking to a friend of mine who i knew since high school. He's in the military . he came home and we had sex but we used protection . The only thing is the protection broke but i think he pulled out before he could ejaculate but everyone knows that don't work . I had sex with him on the 31st . I hadn't had my period all that month neither . My period has a mind of its own so there is no telling when it was suppose to come on anyway. Im scared to death just like you. I get my first ultra sound at the end of March. Hopefully this will tell me something .
  • It's so hard. I know this sounds horrible but I'm afraid if this baby turns out to be jasons I will resent the baby forever. Even though robby treats me bad and doesn't want to be with me I still want this baby to be his. I feel like such a horrible person for saying that I might resent my baby for not coming out a certain way.
  • Unfortunatly you expect a lot out of those ultra sounds but really really they don't do anything but confirm that theirs a baby in your belly.
  • i know you might want it to be Robby's baby & even tho it might not be. Jason might be a better candidate than Robby considering how Robby is treating you . My Ex still talks to me even tho he is pushing for abortion because im still in school, the baby daddy situation, and everything but i told him it was my body and my baby . I want him to be the dad by all means because the guy in the army don't want a kid and he made that clear. I told him he wasn't the dad because i didnt want to deal with him, but if he is than i will tell him he is and see where it goes from there. I have the fear of resenting my child too. Its only a thought tho. Many people say when you first hold your child that you will love that child no matter what. Im scared and i get depressed a lot but im just looking forward to the good because it can be worse.
  • I think the baby is robbys because u would have ovulated around the 29th ... just my guess.. but Robby sounds like a jerk that I used to date because I thought I loved him but he only wanted me for my body... guys can be dogs.. love your baby and raise him well ;) hope it works out for ya
  • @hayhay It's going to be hard because a week is a short time and since sperm can survive in you for 5 days or so and so can the egg for a couple of days.. its so close. If i was to guess I would say robbie since you had sex with him almost 14 says after your period and if your regular, that when you'd ovulate. I guess your never going to know for sure until baby gets here.
  • Thanks guys I'm glad to know I'm not crazy for thinking these things. These last few months are going to go soooo slow..... ) :
  • I also took the pill 4 days after jason so that could have postponed ovulation to even further. I've been studying ovulation and morning after pills like its my job but I still have no clear answers
  • @hay hay if your period wus 9-15 I dnt thnk jasons the father either.. robby just might be the father but he's an ass!
  • I think its robbys too just because my periods are always regular and always 5 days long so I prolly ovulate regular as well. Idk! Jason is always like what are you eating don't take your vitamins at night blah blah blah and robbys like fuck off. I should want to good guy to be the daddy but he just gets on my nerves.
  • Hey ur not alone so don't fret! I am in a similiar situation and my period was the same day as your..but my cycle is longer so I'm stuck w did I ovulate early ..late and so on....but just to clear your concience I feel the same way I've had feelings of resentment as well...I would say robby got u pregnant but I do know another method that might help..my friend was ib the same noat as u one was black one was white..she was so stressed I told her girl pray god reveals it to u..I've always had dreams that prevail and I prayed God would show me 4 her and a few night later IDREAMT SHE HAD A WHITE BBY AND SHORE ENOUGH 7 MNTHS LATER SHE GAVE BIRTH TO A WHITE BABY! SO PRAY...and believe that he shows u sweetie its the only way besides a dna ...I believe he has shown me who's child I'm carrying and it really has made things somuch easier to deall w ..and 4 me I had sex on the 27th of sept and the 13th of oct...so any normal 28 day cycle would say the guy from the 27th....well like I said I ovulate late and I've dreamt it was the guy on the 13th so don't believe everything u see and hear ..bc God is bigger than all of that ...plzz let me know how it turns out!! God bless
  • @Boopynbeebop OMG this helps me . I think imma just pray and keep praying . In my heart God knows who i want to be the father so im just keeping faith . My friends and mom keep saying they are having dreams so hopefully i can or they can dream of who it is ....
  • I hope so sweetie plzz let me know what the outcome is! Ill let u know as well tk care!
  • You too sweetie
  • I will def give a baby update when he comes out. Your right about god...everything happens for a reason and everything works through him. I pray all the time about everything going through
    My mind and I know that I'm strong enough to handle anything thrown my way. Good luck to all of the mommys in a situation like mine. Its hard now but that's why god made women child bearing. We can handle it ALL!!!!! <3
  • I went threw not knowing in 2008 I had just graduated n a month later me n my boyftiend broke up we were on n off again so I slept with this guy I had been talking to for awhile well it was like a week apart to I was so nervous of the outcome I told both n they both wanted to be involved for some reason I stayed with my ex he called me names and treated me bad cheated on me up until I was 6 months. I took it all becuz I felt like he was doing me a favor by staying with me even tho we didn't kno his friends called me his maybe baby moma well I gave birth n we never took a dna test becuz my ex said he was his no matter what well I fell in love with my son no resentment or anything. Up until july of 2010 my boyfriend threw it in my face about how I didn't kno who my bd was n that he still wasn't sure if our son was his. Were doing a lot better now n just had our daughter the 17th I left everything in gods hands and prayed my hardest every night that god would pick the right man to b the father n he did my boyfriend does everything he can to provide for us n no matter what I'm glad it worked out this way n I stayed with him just be strong n remember that the baby is apart of u and even if its not robbies love him or her with all ur heart
  • OMG I thought i was da only one....my ex &&nd I had been together off &&nd on since I was 16 now I'm bout to be 21...we had been stop using condoms after a year together but I never got pregnant for him...we broked up again the first of 2010...months past so I started messing with this guy (a friend) I didn't want to rush things so we took it slow...but after months I talked back to my ex &&nd we had sex in the first of dat month...den me &&nd my friend finally had sex in da end of da month but we didn't finish...he say he didn't cum but idk dey say yu can get pregnant of of pre-cum...after all dat me &&nd my ex started back talking everything was going great better den ever...&&nd den i finds out I'm pregnant...my period was still coming so dat thru me off..i told myself If Im 2months or lesser its my ex &&nd if not den its my friend..wen da doctor told me yur 5 1/2 months I cud have died...I feel like I hurted him...I'm not scared to tell him its how he will take it...cuz I really feel bad ..I'm bout to have my baby in April...da friend knows I'm pregnant but I never told him its his but I feel he mad cuz I stop talking to him but he know wut happend wit us so I feel I dnt have to tell him nothing..if he concern he would ask me....but my ex doesn't know Ive been avoiding him since I found out(in November)...I'm just scared dat he's not gon want anything to do wit me...he's da love of my life &&nd if he do accept my baby whether its his or not I would be so happy...its not always who made da baby its who man up &&nd take care of it!!!i said ima wait till I have my baby cuz dis have really been bothering me a lot but I dnt want to get stressed...I cry all da time from dis...me &&nd him talks &&nd texts but wen he try to cum see me I ignore him or say I have to work

    Hopefully everything turns out good!!cuz idk wut to do
  • @hayhay I been working pharmacy for about 4 yrs now n the day after pill works 72hrs after unprotected sex that's 3 days anytime after u might have already been pregnant since it takes 72hrs to get pregnant I jus thought u should no n I'm 100% positive wit my info I'm telling u
  • I think it is robby's because if u r normal according to the charts u would not have been ovulating yet with Jason....Good luck
  • Well we will know soon enough....ill be sure to give an update asap : )
  • 80hrs after the sex was a little late. All babies are white when they are born and just because it stays light doesn't mean it is robbys and not jasons. If you have an average cycle of 28 days there is a very good chance for Jason to be the father. Where I am from the hospital gives you paperwork where you can go after to get free or cheap dna testing done. You would be better of it seems jasons being the dad but you rather have robby. You should love the child either way and be happy its healthy. He/she will always love you unconditional!!!
  • I forgot to add I assume robby is being a jerk probably even says is not his baby court can make him take a dna test and make him pay as well
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