who's the daddy?!?
I dated a guy Robby for a while a few years back and I've been in love with him ever since. After he dumped me I didn't date ...evenually I thought he's not coming back its time to move on so I did. I started seeing this guy Jason casually. I wasn't in love with jason but it took my mind off robby. Well robby came back... I immediatly broke it off with jason for robby. I slep with jason on 09-21 and slept with robby exactly 1 week later on 09-28. Now the kicker is I took the morning after pill about 80 hours after the unprotected sex with jason. The first day of my last period was on 09-15. I know the pill can work up to 5 days but who really knows. Jason is black n robby is white so obviously ill find out when the baby is born but the suspense is drivng me crazy!!!! They both know that I don't know who the father is and needless to say robby again wants nothing to do with me. Jerk. (There's a lot of drama) right now I'm trying to concintrate on the baby being healthy but a lot of times I get so depressed when I think that the baby might be jasons because I want him to be robbys. What's done is done and I can't change it but I was wondering if anyone else has a similar situation...
My mind and I know that I'm strong enough to handle anything thrown my way. Good luck to all of the mommys in a situation like mine. Its hard now but that's why god made women child bearing. We can handle it ALL!!!!!
Hopefully everything turns out good!!cuz idk wut to do