sweeping the membrane?! did i secretly get it done?

edited November 2011 in Third Trimester
So I told the doc(changes each visit) how my husband is deploying soon and how I wanted to get my membrane stripped or induced another way(even though I rly want to go all natural) well she told me they can't induce until 41 weeks.

My exam: fudge it hurt and I am slightly torn between my vajayjay and butt. After talking to my mom about it and thinking. The more I look into it it sounds like she did do the sweeping afterall! She said she was pushing on the babies head and circling her finger around my cervix. And kept asking if I was cramping and she mentioned maybe id go into labor tonight. Advised me to walk!

Who has gotten the sweeping done and how did it feel to you? I was cramping and it hurt bad that I was almost in tears(ya I'm a baby) she had me put my hands in fists under my butt so she could reach my cervix good.

Did she do me dirty(haha my husband just said this) and secretly do it and not tell me so she don't get in trouble? :D or am I just hoping and blowing it out of proportion?


  • i think they did do it lol thats good some people go right away like 2 hrs after some need theres sweeped like 3 times %%-
  • What a stinker!! I've had braxton hicks off and on. Last Thursday I went to get checked at labor and delivery and they were 9-10 min apart, but not painful. Still not painful. Going to eat then start walking!
  • I got it done twice nd if I must say I felt like a virgin again lol it hurted to me 2 but I got through it afterwards I did have cramping nd still do nd I also started losing my mucus plug I'm due thursday
  • @babynewberrysmommy_1 first off.. sheesh could you have picked a longer name? Lol! Its cute :)
    And secondly. Did you bleed right away? She had blood all over her glove. And yes I def feel like a virgin!!!! I'm very tender down there now.
  • Yep she did a sweep. If she was in there touching babies head for more than a few seconds
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