@stbmilitarybrat munckin also makes sterilizing bags...a friend gave me a few of hers to sterilize my breast pump tubing, but it also works for bottles and nipples. They also can be reused up to 20 times.
And the liners r cheap. I don't even look at it as extra things I need to buy for the bottles sometimes its just natural now plus my son is great with them, he's much less gassy! And he prefers the silicone nipples for some reason, but u can get them in natural too to feel more like urge breast. But my son don't care as long as its giving him milk he will suck on it
I sterilized everything when i first got the bottles but that was it. i went to numerous mother classes and was told by the hospital that it actually wears the nipples down faster and in their words 'whats sterile about a baby?'
i use dr. browns bottles and all ive ever done is sterilize the nipples. ive noticed no difference with my son or any sicknesses. ive done that since he was brought home from the hospital. i do wash my sons bottles in hot water and palmolive baby soap and let them dry thoroughly.
@firsttimer I bought the tommee tippee electric sterilizer at babies r us. It fits six bottles at once and all you do is add the water and press the start button. another great thing is the cycle only takes five minutes. I've also used it on his pacifiers I just put them on the top shelf!
@pregnantELF thats what I've been seeibg other people do I just don't know if me breastfeeding and doing the bottle only when I can't breastfeed for some reason, if buying it would be worth the money you know but it sounds amazing.
I understand, well idk if you've had your baby yet but if not I'd wait to buy something like that anyway. That way you can make a judgement once hes born based on his needs. I didn't buy mine til I knew I needed it, when my son was about 3 weeks old! Advice is good but you have to find what works for you!