Its been good ladies im a 7 water broke and got epi now I'm on my side wearing o2 because his heart rate was low and they didn't ike that... they said I didn't act like a mom that was dialated at a 7 waiting for an epi lol I ddint even want it yet but they said it was the best time to get it I bet I could have done it without it
I'm complete just waiting for a interior lip to go away on its own so chilling here with the baby daddy and my mama so far I've had a good experience I've had to get 2 redoses of epi which didn't hurt because they did the epi right the first time.. so far so good I'm surprised I haven't freaked as scared as I was
Thanks ladies im feeling fine, baby is fine had his first doctors appointment he is down to 7lbs11oz from 8lbs even which isnt bad, breast feeding is going better now that my milk has come in. He doesnt really like the boob but he loves the milk so i pump. I have alot of learning when it comes to breastfeeding. He sleeps well threw the night, he is such a good baby. Im truely blessed and so in love with my little family. I must say i think the labor and birthing experience brought the baby's father and I closer together. @mrs4c@darknesofnight4u@jules@babynumber02
Its good that you have a good supply and he gets to eat all the nutrition and I think its great that this has made you and the baby daddy closser, are you guys together? if you don't mind me asking just because I feel like all this usually separates people because its so stressful so its great to hear someone who has good experience very happy for you
Thanks everyone! @jules yes babys daddy and I are together it was stressful before he got here but its been prefect since he has arrived! I couldn't ask for more. He is my bestfriend I'm so happy it could bring us closer together @jnc121311@tricesbaby@babynumber02@excitedforoctober@momof22be
That's so great! I'm happy for the both off you I'm hoping the stress will go down for us once shes here....But change is always hard for everyone, but this is a good change that we are both very excited for
@mrs4c @darknesofnight4u @jules @babynumber02
@jnc121311 @tricesbaby @babynumber02 @excitedforoctober @momof22be