labor and delivery story!
On Tues Nov 08, I went walking and started having cramps(I didn't know it was contractions)....went to sleep and they kept coming and started to get 6 am Wed Nov 9 I woke my mom up to take me to the hospital because I couldn't take it. I was admitted and already dilated to a 7-8 with my water bag bulging(last time I went to the doc was wed nov 2 and I was 3cm dilated)...I got my epi as soon as I got to my delivery doctor came in around 10:30 to break my water...I then dilated to a 9....he came back at 11:30 and I was fully dilated... I pushed for abt 30 mins and my baby Taylor was out at 12:45pm...she weighed 7 pounds 6 oz and was 20.5 inches long....she has a head full of hair! All that heartburn paid off lol....I thought labor was going to be harder than that...I had a small 1 degree tear....I'm greatful and blessed to have her....she's perfect!!