first shots

edited November 2011 in Babies Health
My daughter jus got her first shots n now shes out like a light. Poor baby. I was pretty proud of both of us, i didnt even cry! But anyhow, is it normal for her to wanna sleep so long? She hasnt had a bottle in like 4-5 hrs!


  • No clue hon. Bump
  • My lo gets his on Monday but I gave heard it's normal for them to be super sleepy the day they get them.
  • Ok thank u @musicmomma shes doin great. Had a bottle n tylonal n now shes watchin micky mouse playhouse with grandma <3
  • Kaylee slept for a long time when she got her shots...just keep checking on her to make sure she doesn't have a temp.
  • my son slept solidly for a few hours after his shots on monday. he wasn't crabby, he screamed for 5 mins after the shot til i bf him in the exam room then he was out like a light before we even left the office. poor bubs. i gave a second dose of acetaminophen before bed just to keep him comfortable, but he didn't run a fever and tuesday he was his normal self.
  • Thank u @tootie08 @mam082711 ! Ive been checkin her forehead and she doesnt feel hot, should i still check her temp?
  • My LO got her shots on tuesday and dr said its normal for her to sleep a lot and not eat. She, of course, defied the dr and was up most of day and ate but she was happy non the less
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