September mommies and babies!!!

edited November 2011 in Babies
Hows everyone doing??? I had a c section but I'm feeling back to normal now. My incision is still a little sensitive,and I suspect will for a while. Im 3 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight :) Baby Bentley is doing wonderful,hell be 8 weeks on Monday,smiling and cooing all day long. He weighs 10lbs 4 oz ;). image


  • He is so cute! I love his smile.
  • @Granny2b thank u ;) he's got his grandpas smile
  • We are doing good, Isaac is 6 weeks old he was supposed to be an October baby but decided to come early. he is laughing and "talking away" and has already begun rolling. He weighs close to 11 pounds now he is growing so fast.

  • @littlefae I was supposed to be an oct mommy too but had to be induced at 36/4 so she was born sept 17th. She is 11lbs, I cant believe she gets her 2mo shots on friday. She is getting so big.
  • @littlefae omg adorable!! He's got gorgeous eyes
  • @Littlefae he's laughing and rolling already? my girl is 6 weeks today and on where near that :(
  • @Stillsurprised aw! I'm not looking foreword to those shots :( they grow so fast, I look at his nb clothes and can't believe they used to be big on him.

    @babiescomin2011 aw thank you! They are the only thing he got from me (I'm a quarter Japanese) the rest is all his dad. Though I was hoping they would be blue like daddys but it looks like they will be brown like mine. Oh well lol

    @heyitsme don't feel bad! All babies grow and learn at different rates. Your daughter will excel at things that Isaac won't. I was an early developer with the laughing rolling, sitting up and crawling. I crawled at four months... but I didn't walk until I was 14 months hahaha I was content just to crawl around. Don't worry she will be laughing and rolling before you know it!
  • My son was born the 29th of September and we're doing great! I just had my 6 week check up on the 10th and I've lost all the weight I gained and I feel good! Although hubby and I did try to have sex last Sunday and it hurt like a mofo so we didn't end up finishing (tmi, I know) but I'll have to do it eventually! I'm just a wuss. :P My son is adorable and healthy and I feel so blessed! We're still working on getting a good schedule set up but it'll happen in time. He gets his shots on Monday and I am NOT looking forward to it. I know I'm going to cry!
  • @musicmomma I'm glad to hear your doing well.LOL don't feel bad I cried like a baby wen my son got his shots ;#
  • edited November 2011
    Everything is amazing here! I was supposed to be an Oct momma (due 10/1) but my son was born 9/29 also. At his one month check up he weighed 11lb 7oz (was born 7lb 11oz) haha so he is a little chunkers!! He is the happiest baby I have ever met and can sit up all by myself as long as just his back has support. He is starting to roll on his side and is veryyy vocal haha and loves to tell me stories ;) Just recently he started sleeping 3-4hrs at night too which makes for one happy mommy!! I love him more than words could ever express and I think being a mom is by far the bestttt job in the world!!! :D


    PS- Your babies are freakin adorableee!!!
  • @stbmilitarybrat he is adorable I love his smile! I'm never fast enough and my camera phone is delayed so I can never catch Isaacs smiles :(
  • JP is doing great, I'm great also. I had a c-section too 9/16 & its a lil sensitive as well. He has his 2month check up on the 16th. He's still not sleeping very well :/ & is still colicky..but other than far so good :)
  • @clope18 ask your pediatrician to prescribe your baby levisin (sp?) It's for colic. My son is a whole new baby since he's been taking it.
  • Dillon was born 9/6 had his 2 month shots this past Monday, it was so sad :-( I cried with him. He's now 23 1/4" and he's 87th percentile for weight at 13lbs 7oz! (Born 9lbs 9oz, 20") he def is heavy, but he doesn't look chunky like you'd think. He smiles and talks all the time he's such a happy baby! he eats like a champ (he's majorly bf with formula at night) and he is also starting to sleep well at night. he's set his own schedule- goes to sleep around 830-930 and wakes around 3, then out again til 7-730. i never thought i could love someone so much :X
  • Me and my son Rion are doing awesome. I had a c section 9/29 and also still sore but my incision scar is only hair line thin and already shrinking. My son is 6w old, he is a very smiley baby, loves to eat lol. Weighs 11 lbs wearing 3 month clothes. He is starting to coo and I love talking and singing to him!
  • My son jasiah was born 9/6 and he loves to talk and stays up during the day for like 4-5 hrs ! Lol for the most part he sleeps good through the night.
    He was 6lbs at birth but now he's about 12 .
  • Thanks I'll definitely ask his pedi this Wednesday @ his 2month visit :)
  • @2ndbutfirst I love the father son sleeping pic.s I'm always taking pics like this of my baby and hubby. Yours is adorable, love how they are in the same position!!! Cute!!!!
  • Jasmine was born September 14th so we haven't had her 2 month appointment yet but here's a cute pic if her. :)
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