How young can you put cereal in a bottle

edited November 2011 in Ages & Stages
How old does a baby have to be before you should put cereal on their bottle my LO will be 3 weeks Friday


  • You can't put cereal in a bottle its a choking hazard. Its to be mixed with formula or breast milk and fed by spoon starting at four months unless other wise said and approved by your childs physician
  • I was going to mix it with breast milk I'm not supposed to
  • Technically you are not suppose to old wives will tell you too I put some in my sons bottle at night only...just one bottle and he does fine with it I started at 2 months.& he isn't allergic to it my best advise is follow your own advice many woman on here give cereal on the bottle and many don't your child your decision
  • Dr said nothing but formula or breastmilk til 4 months
  • But I agree with @preggointx your baby your decision :-)
  • I don't know about the appropriate age but I have and I know a lot of ppl who feed their baby cereal in a bottle long as u don't make it to thick just a lil the baby just suck it like its regular milk but I don't know the right age but my baby wasn't getting full he 2months so we give him a lil but not a lot because I don't want to make him constipated
  • @preggointx thank you I think I'm gonna try it when he is 2 or 3 months n just one bottle at night
  • @hotcold Thankyou I was asking because I don't think my son gets full either

    @mam082711 y is it not good to put cereal in the bottle
  • I started at 2mo and I would only use 1/2 of a formula scoop to a 5-6 oz bottle. I always checked to make sure the flow from the nipple was the same as if it was just formula in it. I started with rice with both of my girls at this age
  • @lilliebug thank you so wt type of nipple should I use slow flow or medium
  • You shouldn't put cereal in a bottle because it is a choking hazard. Studies have shown that it doesn't make your baby sleep any longer and it can actually mess up the mechanism that tells them how full they are and lead to childhood obesity. I would definitely talk to your dr before starting it.
  • Use regular nipples I too use the formula scooper and put 1/2 a scoop per bottle my doctor said no but I started it anyway with no problems next month I will spoon feed him at 4 months
  • I have celiac disease - cannot eat wheat, rye, barley, spelt. Babies given these grains before 3 months are much more likely to develop celiac. So especially if there is anyone in your family w celiac, avoid these. Also bf reduces the risk.
  • My dr told me to put a teaspoon in his milk to coat his tummy and help him get full. My son is two months now and Ive been putting cereal in his bottle since he was about a month.
  • Both mine Startd early my last baby my Dr told me I culd start at 4wks old I plan to start early with this one to .
  • Everyone has own opinion on this. With all 3 they had rice in bottle very early on...this one since 2 weeks in his first and 3rd pm bottles only he's 2 mo perfectly normal not fat no issues no choking.
  • Like @laura536 and @granny2b said allergies and nothing to say it makes them sleep more. My son's 2 months old and I was also contemplating cereal; however, I waited another 2 weeks and he takes his bedtime bottle (4-6oz) and is now sleeping from between 830-930 til 430am. Just one wakeup and he goes right back down so I'm glad I didn't do it. I'll introduce it at 4 months.
  • Some dr's are for it, some docs aren't I would just find out the pro's and con's from them and make your own choice :-) @erikamrscollins
  • I personally wouldn't start it until 4 mo unless revomended by a doc
  • @everyone thank you all I think I'm just gonna wait and ask his pediatrician next week
  • edited November 2011
    Never! Unless told by a dr. I've only known its ok when I knew a baby who had such bad acid reflux. Other then that you should never ever put rice cereal in a bottle. I work in a day care and had put health nurse tell is all of the reasons not to. Wer had a mom bring bottleswith it in and we had to tell her we couldn't give it to her baby legally. So obviously there are more cons then pros if we can't even do it in day care.
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