Stay @ home mommies!!??

edited November 2011 in Just for Fun
Just wondering how many of them we have?? Im one of them but CAN'T WAIT to work again.. my bby is 2 && a half months.. what do u l.. adies do all day with ur little ones @ home!!?? I feel like I'm running outta things to do.. cleaning, letting her sit I her bouncy(shes getting bored of it) her little play mat gym thingie n bumbo seat.. ne ideas for this ftm!!??


  • I'm one ! To a 3 year old 17 month old an 2 an a half wk old . Nuthn really to do pregly passes my time lol my kids like doin their own things like games an cartoons an my newborn still sleeps all the time .
  • hmm sounds like mee.. I just stay on my phone all day.. pretty sad lol I wanna b more active wit my daughter tho n just got a gym membership yesterday !! :) time to leave her a lil !!
  • I am. My mat leave is up in may and I'm not sure if I'll go back or not. I do outtings with my 5 month old, even if its just for a walk in the mall. But I also take her on hikes with me, go splash in an indoor pool, go visit people. We do lots!
  • Iam ! But I'm constantly doing, washing bottles, doing my babys laundry, etc... I do so much i barely have time to eat lol but its okay kuz its all for my princess. & when I do get some extra time then I sleep.
  • edited November 2011
    Am also a stay at home mom. I go take a walk with my son or talk to him a lot and play with him, but him on the play mat it has music and light also the bounced and swing. He also likes the music mobile he will be 7 weeks on Thursday. I also go out to the stores or mall with him and to friends and family
  • I am :) I have a 2.5 yr old and I'm due any day now. I have play dates with other mommies and when I'm not doing that its laundry dishes cooking. We go for walks to play with chalk and bubbles go to mall playland or this park reservation has an indoor playland. We have a splash pad in the summer and local parks. I just googled free things in my area to get ideas and now its just become a routine
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  • i am as well and not by choice...don't get me wrong i love my son and love being with him, but i've always been a busy person and this is new to me. we spend a lot of time on his mat and i talk to him a lot and he swings in his swing...he's 10 weeks old sooo not much to do with him just yet. i'll do laundry and wash bottles and stuff like that.
  • I'm a stay at home mom. I start college in January so it's going to be an adjustment. My baby girls 4 months old. We talk a lot and I should get out more but its getting cold :( and we live in a small town so nothing to do. It sucks
  • I am to a 3 y/o boy. I don't ever have time lol. He keeps me going constantly. He goes to preschool 3 days a week for a couple hours and other than that we go to the park, draw, paint, color, read books etc. I live in a tiny rural town so options are slim locally. I also write freelance articles online, try to market my poetry books, go to school full time, and sew. I wish I could be up to date on my chores...maybe one day I'll get to bed before 2am and sleep later than 7.
  • I do the sane thing you guys do. I get pretty bored so I get on here and fb to pass time.
    I can't wait for him to start walking so we can go to Parks and stuff. He'll be 3 months on the 21st.
  • im one! i'm 17 and waiting to start college when i'm 18. right now she is almost 3 weeks so there isn't much we do. it's pretty much the newborn schedule - clean, eat, and nap when i can ... but here in a few months my hubby is shipping off for basic and i'm gonna travel and see family :) i'm hoping that'll spice things up !
  • Im one!! I have a 5 month old and im pregnant with my second! I wish I could go to work tho! I get so bored!!!!
  • I'm a shm. We have a 6yr old, 4yr old and 2 1/2yr old (we r ttc). I wish i could say i get borred and have nothing to do. Life is non stop busy once they enter school. I feel like a maid, a taxi driver and a cook.... However, i wouldnt change anything. I miss working but i'll go back to school and have a "career" when all of our kids are in school all day. Time goes by so fast. Life is short. U gotta treasure every moment u get with ur kids. <3
  • lol i been a stay at home mommy for 8+ years! i'm even more bored because my kids been in school for the last couple years i am so excited to have a baby home with soon. i pretty much do the same as u...minus a cute lil one to keep my company. other then that i just eat out and go shopping with my friends. i am so used to this i can't see myself ever working hahaha
  • I've been home for 3 months and plan to be off a whole year..... I'm going nuts!!!! I was so used to working that I have forgotten how to that I'm home I feel like I'm not doing that bad??
  • glad I'm not alone.. just sucks cuz my bf takes my car to work unless I drop him off.. n I don't have much $$! or alotta friends : / I wanna go on like breast cancer walks m stuff like that haha random I know..
  • @ahuyser mee too.. I haven't worked since nov 2010!!!! ahhh going crazy..i want my own $$ but no one really to watch bby hopefully soon that will change!
  • weekends when my bf is off I get sooo xcitedd to take bby out.. to his famz house n stuff && to b around adults!!!!
  • edited November 2011
    @naliibby2 I just started working out! Doing Insanity but its so funny I get so lazy during the day that I wait till the evening to do it!
  • haha yeaa I gotta push myself too .. summ ppl r just night ppl rather than morning! :) @ahuyser
  • edited November 2011
    I've been a SAHM for almost a year now. We have a 21 month old DD and a 3 week old DD. I have no plans to go back to work. I keep busy with house work, plenty of social activities for my 21 month old, volunteering, working out, and cooking. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in one day with 2 under 2, but I wouldn't change it :)
  • @dreamaria what volunteer work?? I wanna do that!
  • I am too! My son is 2 months old--so not much to do with him before he has to nap or eat again! This is the first time Ive been home. I will be home until March or until I find another job (I quit my last job).
  • I'm a stay at home mommy to an 8week old boy :D FTM also. I feed baby, take him a bath play/talk to him, take myself a shower, get dressed, clean, laundry, watch movies, go to the mall, grocery shopping..all while waiting for my man to get home & then cook dinner :D Trying to get into college also, just waiting for financial aid..hopefullyi get some kind of is definitely not cheap :/
  • @naliibby2 I volunteer at my local Battered Women's Shelter one night a week doing arts and crafts/play time with the kiddos while the Mom's attend therapy or group sessions. I volunteer another evening at a local chemotherapy clinic. I also volunteer at Food Link and InterVol once a month, and at my Church when they need help. It's the only way I can get out of the house and feel like um doing something to contribute to society since I don't work. I'd go crazy being stuck in the house if I didn't keep busy ....Haha!
  • im one too :D
    but planning on working when i feel he's old enough to go to daycare :[
    idk whens that its hard letting him go!
  • I'm a new sahm fir a year now.. it'd weird to me bc I've always had 2 jobs for 4 yrs in a row so this was an adjustment for me! I play/sing to my almost 3month old daughter, mostly tend to her needs.. I also have a 5 yr old who's at school all day. And for a week now I've been babysitting my sil 4 kids! So I have a 10 yo, 9yo, 2-5yo, a 2yo and my 3 month old. I feel like a taxi, maid, cook and a referee!
  • Quit working one month before I got prego,and still a sahm to my two month old. In February,I plan on going to cosmetology school. And getting a job on completion.
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