Have you read the reviews on Celtrixa? Girl I googled it and so many people are getting scammed for that 30 day free trial saying that they end up paying and it's not really free. I have been using this stuff called bio oil and its working good for me. Google the reviews for Celtrixa and read the reviews.....good luck mama.....let me know how it goes.
Please do girl because I hate that these no good people are scamming innocent women out their money. They know how bad pregnant women want to get rid of the stretch marks so we are their biggest targets. But hurry and call them and try bio oil....it works pretty good for me.
I was ABOUT to sign up for the "free" trial but forwarded it to my bf first so he can look into it, because he is a research pro and he found a bunch of people saying it was a scam so needless to say I did not order it.
@Alwayzbeenurz2008 I use it twice a day and it has lightened up my stretch marks a lot, you cannot even see my scars from my gallbladder surgery. I use it on my stomach, hips, butt and thighs. I advise everyone to just give it a try and stay away from celtrixa. @naliibby2 I'm sorry you bought that stuff but I am so happy that I am able to let you know about them scamming women.
I just canceled it.. they said I don't have 2 send it back?? kinda sounded wayyyy too easy so they better not take that out my account.. I just might call baq n talk to someone else n make sure its canceled
I got it! Seriously dont just throw away your money!!! Mine were not even that bad and all it did was make my skin soft. If anything they made mine redder! Im using the Bio Oil now and it works wonders, for me anyways and it is only like $13.00 at CVS.
Hmmmm I didn't think about that if they take out out just let ur hanoi know our let your bank know now that they can't take any money out...I'm gonna go buy mederma stretchmark therapy cream and bio oil and mix them together when I put it on
@miaradavis how many times a day do you use bio oil? does it help fade stretchmarks?