What do Braxton Hicks feel like?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm having weird pains in my stomach, but I know I'm not in labor. Any ideas? It's like sharp, shooting pain in the mid section.


  • Umm with my first it was more like just light hardening of my entire stomach. Not really painful... Just strange.
  • Hmmm that doesn't really sound like what I'm feeling...how far along were you when you started having them?
  • I've had sharp shooting pains also. Kinda up my sides of my belly. It was after I did a fair bit of walking. I wondered myself if they were braxton hicks. I looked online and found put they can be different for each woman, so I don't know! Glad I'm not alone!
  • Ya, that's how mine are too! And from what I've read, it doesn't really sound like the typical preggo problems. I'm so confused! Yes, you're not the only one!
  • Braxton u feel your stomach tighten into a ball and after a bit your stomach will relax if u have moved a lot today u might ha e stretched a muscle but if it keeps going always be seen by a Dr better be safe then sorry
  • Sounds like round ligament pain does it feel better when you sit
  • How far along are u guys and what are u having? Braxtons can start in your second trimester
  • I'm not too worried about mine. They're not consistent, & I think they might just be either our version of BH or uterus stretching some more. If they happened more, I might go to the dr.
    How far are you?
  • I'm 26 weeks today, with a girl. They feel better when sitting, or just being still, but are still there.
  • I get similar pain when I walk a lot that's what my Dr said it was
  • I am 34 weeks with identical twin girls due April 1
  • What are u naming your daughter?
  • u can try gettin one of them support belts for ur belly or just take a break when u feel the pains comin
  • I'm 30.5 weeks and it is a boy. If I lay down on my side for a while, it usually feels better.
  • @lala15 that's not a bad idea. I've been getting back pain too so a belt could really help.

    @baby_girls twins!! That's so exciting!! Congratulations. We're probably naming her brooklyn rose. Do you have names for the girls picked put??
  • I love the middle name rose. So classy.
  • I'm 29 weeks with my 2nd girl that's a cute name
  • Thanks ladies. I'm really drawn to older names. Rose, charlotte, stella, audrey. I love them.

    @lala15 do you have your lil ladys name?!
  • I think natalia eda the middle name is after my gram
  • Mine are justice dense and janessa Rae Lynn
  • mmy first daughters name is malia tatiana I like different names
  • those r pretty names
  • Ment justice renae lol
  • I love Stella! I named my dog that haha. Completely off topic, but since I was having a boy, that name had to be put to good use.

    Everyone's name choices are beautiful.

    My husband's sister works in the NICU at a hospital and had a baby the other day named "ABCD"....how do you even pronounce that?! Talk about one of a kind haha.
  • Wow poor kid lol
  • Hahaha abcd?! Get out, that is crazy. There was some guy (I forget where, possibly india?! Silly preggo brain...) but he named his daughter "facebool" LOL
  • Whoops. "Facebook"
  • Yes, she gets all sorts of unheard of names. President, Amazin', ABCD haha. To each their own.
  • Wow who would do that but their is a girl where I live that names her kids after the day she has them or month lol their is Tuesday March November and sunday
  • I am talking to u guys and having Hicks contractions lol better then full blown labor contractions
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