I've had sharp shooting pains also. Kinda up my sides of my belly. It was after I did a fair bit of walking. I wondered myself if they were braxton hicks. I looked online and found put they can be different for each woman, so I don't know! Glad I'm not alone!
Ya, that's how mine are too! And from what I've read, it doesn't really sound like the typical preggo problems. I'm so confused! Yes, you're not the only one!
Braxton u feel your stomach tighten into a ball and after a bit your stomach will relax if u have moved a lot today u might ha e stretched a muscle but if it keeps going always be seen by a Dr better be safe then sorry
I'm not too worried about mine. They're not consistent, & I think they might just be either our version of BH or uterus stretching some more. If they happened more, I might go to the dr. How far are you?
I love Stella! I named my dog that haha. Completely off topic, but since I was having a boy, that name had to be put to good use.
Everyone's name choices are beautiful.
My husband's sister works in the NICU at a hospital and had a baby the other day named "ABCD"....how do you even pronounce that?! Talk about one of a kind haha.
Hahaha abcd?! Get out, that is crazy. There was some guy (I forget where, possibly india?! Silly preggo brain...) but he named his daughter "facebool" LOL
Wow who would do that but their is a girl where I live that names her kids after the day she has them or month lol their is Tuesday March November and sunday
How far are you?
@baby_girls twins!! That's so exciting!! Congratulations. We're probably naming her brooklyn rose. Do you have names for the girls picked put??
@lala15 do you have your lil ladys name?!
Everyone's name choices are beautiful.
My husband's sister works in the NICU at a hospital and had a baby the other day named "ABCD"....how do you even pronounce that?! Talk about one of a kind haha.