@2BeForgotten thanks! Im only 39 ish weeks so if the gel doesnt work i get to go home so it wont be yo bad! I just wanna know how well it has worked for others!
Hopefully someone will have had that experience and share. it's not as common. I was induced with cytotec because my BP sky rocketed my last few weeks. I was so scared and nervous but the induction went really well. Btw Cytotec is not approved by the FDA. I didn't know this at the time. It worked wonderfuly for me but look into it if they offer it.
Cervidil gel? I had it! I did 2 doses of it. I was 1cm 20%effaced. After 24hrs I was 2-3cm 80%effaced. Enough for my doctor to start pitocin. So pitocin started at 7am had baby at 5:09pm.
I had the cervidil gel. Got it put in around 10 the night before I had him. I was only 1 cm. When I woke up the next day I was the same. But they started the pitocin around 9, my water broke on it's own around noon and I had him at 6:42 that night. The Dr was amazed how fast it worked with me cause I wasn't really effaced and had been at 1 cm for three weeks. Wish you lots of luck!!!
Wish you lots of luck!!!