who had more than 1 csection and...

edited November 2011 in Health
And planning on having more kids?
How do u feel about having to get another csection?
I plan on getting pregnant again n like 4yrs and I really dnt wanna have another csection
I really hate the hospital where I had my 2nd baby just because they gave me a csection cuz I fell asleep n they thought I wasn't responsive I was doped up on pain meds
N my Dr said she wasn't gonna give me a csection but they already had bought me n the surgery room before she got there!
I really wanna know if its a good idea for a vba2c I been doin research but I'm not getting anywhere lol
I can't wait to go c my Dr for my checkup next month cuz I really wanna know if I have to have another csection


  • I had an emergency c-section with #1 and a scheduled c-section with #2. I had complications that occured during the delivery of #1, so a VBAC was an option for me however it was highly discouraged. I made a deal with my OB that if I went into labor on my own before my scheduled c-section date I could try to VBAC. The night before my c-section I wad incredibly uncomfortable but I did not think it was labor. When I got to the hospital for the c-section I asked my OB to check me and I was 5 cm and 100%. I decided to go ahead with the c-section and it went great. The second one was SO much better than first and I recovered faster too. I took my older daughter trick or treating at 5 days post partum. With my first I wasnt able to do anything like that for about a month! DH and I would like 4 children, so I'm going to have another c-section for the next 2. It went great so I'm not scarred to do it again. My OB told me my c-section limit was 4.
  • Both of my csections went good to I just had my 2nd one Oct 12th
    but I really wanna experience a vaginal birth
    lol but I really get teary eye getting mad at myself just thinking that I can't have a vaginal birth ever
  • edited November 2011
    I totally understand how you feel. I went through the same feelings. I was feeling so depressed and like less of a woman b/c I will never get to experience a vaginal delivery. However, my feelings changed after 2 of my friends had awful VBAC experiences. Both said a c-section would have been better for recovery. Both girls tore and one had a uterine infection and was hospitalized for a week. I quickly decided I made the right decision after hearing their horrible stories. I know its not like that for everyone, but with my luck something awful would happen to me too ;)
  • O my did they try to vbac after their first csection?
    I'm very depressed now everyday I been thinking about this idk y it's like o can't move on from this everytimr I look at my son I b like mommy was gonna push u out I was 7cm almost there them stupid nurses thought I fell out
    And I was sleep that benadryl put me to sleep I just can't shake this
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