Breastfeeding help, possible clogged/plugged ducts

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
I hope someone can help quickly! My left breast is hard at the top, like it is full and needs to be emptied but I can not get it completely empty. I am breastfeeding and pumping and neither works. I have also tried warm compresses, ice, hot shower, massages, looking for the clogged duct on the nipple, ibuprofen etc. This has been going on for like 24 hours and it is starting to hurt. I had mastitis in this breast at the beginning of October and since then the milk supply from this breast has been lower than it was before and less that the right (about half the amount in both cases). I don't know what to do anymore and it is getting frustrating and painful. I don't know if this is related or not but I have strep throat (yay me) and have been taking antibiotics for the last 3 days. Anyone please help fast! I appreciate any advice as I want to continue breast feeding and pumping until my son is at least a year (he is 2 months old now and I have a freezer literally full of nothing but breast milk from when he was in the nicu). Thanks!


  • Im not sure but I will bump ya...
  • Have you tried soaking in your tub with the water as hot as you can stand while massaging it? That's what it took for me to get one of mine unclogged. It had been clogged for two days and got sooo painful. I even used the massager on the showered head and that didn't work.
    But I soaked in the tub with water as hot as I could comfortable stand with epsome salt and it worked. I had to soak for 45 minutes and gently massage it and it got it out.
    I would try that, if it doesn't work then I would give your dr a call
  • I will try that next, I will try just about anything!

    Thanks @littlefae
  • I alternate between hot and cold compresses every 5 mins while pumping. Goodluck :-)
  • I used to get clogged a couple times a week, heat and gentle massage is about all you can do. My lc suggested dipping my boob in a bowl of warm water or a bath. When not using hot packs I would lay lo on my chest and read to her or play, for some reason having her on my boob worked a few times good luck
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