:,( gripe water!? plz ftm

edited November 2011 in Babies
my ba vb y had the worst witching hour ever tonight nothing I did helped she didnt even want to eat from me! only her carseat &acar ride could calm her down. I heard car rides are helpful but I never got to the point of even thinking she needed it to calm down. I wanted to cry & startedto freak out we almost took her hospital.. :( it hurt my feelings!

anyway I have gas drops and gripe water if this happens again then I will use them which should I use and does anyone have info.on gripe water? mycontainer didnt come with info it was in a pack at babies r us..should I use both or just one?? I.really need help if my bbygirl does that again idk what I will do.. my bby never cries like thaf..she is almost 3 weeks


  • I used both also try putting a little pressure on her tummy it helps with colic. Or try tummy time on your lap it also helps.
  • Aww, I know how you feel, earlier today my sweet girl was screaming, we thought she was constipated so we wete getting dressed to head to the hospital when my husband covered her up, she stopped crying, my poor baby was just cold. I still feel like a bad mom for not knowing
  • @missprego even when she is screaming? still try tummy time? it just got worse and worse (her crying)
    @kimberly4411 I know what you mean she just got louder and louder my bd freaked out big time asking me what was wrong and I just wanted to break down and cry I really hope she is ok she is.t even sleeping goid tonight :( its just so hard to know
  • edited November 2011
    My lo would scream for 5 hours Nothing I did helped I tried gas drops gripe water a warm bath cycling her legs car rides and the 5 hours she would scream started at 6 tell 11. I finally made a doctor appointment and he told me to get mylicon im not sure what's different about this gas drop but believe me when I say she don't cry anymore at night Like that its amazing! The mylicon can be found at Walgreens, its a lil pricey 14$ but its well worth It.
  • My baby girl did that the other night so by yesterday morning i still hadn't gotten more than an hour of sleep. Last night i crashed so hard in my bed and today feel like shit. My son used to be like that everyday as a baby. I would cry constantly. I felt like a terrible mom and i would get so overwhelmed that i yelled at him to shut up. Then i cried even more. Gas drops did nothing for him. He was on formula and had to be switched.

  • @squirt299 I think ill be giving her dr a call tomorrow.. ill pay whatever I just cannot deal with her crying like that
    @steph_due_101611 she is bf its just scary I felt like a terrible mom & my bf was freaking out
  • Well all the doctor will tell u is its colic And to get the mylicon, id get that first and if it dobt work call the doctor
  • ok thanks :) drs suck sometimes @squirt299
  • o, I was crying with her, it breaks my heart when she cries. Please let me know where you found the mylicon at, all my walgreens and everywhere here have a space on the shelf for them but dont have them. Walgreens said they stopped producing them while working on their factory, idk how true that is, but I would die for some
  • i havent had time to go look but once I find some ill let you know.. hopefully we wont need it tho.. it broke my heart to hear her cry like that
  • Just remember the more you stress the more bubs will feel that stress and get more worked up. Its okay to put your lo somewhere safe and walk away for a few mins. If she is crying in your arms it wont make a difference to cry in her bed while you take a few mins to calm down. I have always found that once I get upset of I put my bubs down and go make a coffee we both feel better when I come back. I still do that with my 2yo when he is driving me bonkers. A happy mummy makes a happy baby
  • I know I was trying to stay calm by switching who was carrying her when I got to freaked out but I couldnt just leave her.. even thinking about it is making me want to cry! I just hope she never does that again.. its so weird I work with infants and can let them cry when I need to just step away but my own baby crying makes my heart break into a million pieces.. @tinka1326
  • you can also order it online from walmart
  • It gets easier to hear them cry as they get older. I was like that when my son was born but second time around is sooo much easier lol
  • Depends on how old your lo is on how much to give baby. My son is a month I give him 1/2 table spoon. For over a month its 1 table spoon and so forth. That's for gripe water. Idk gas drops.
  • My son is 3 weeks old and has been getting the belly aches too :( you can tell by his cry that he's in pain :( it makes me really sad also so last night I started giving him an ounce of water after each bottle just to kinda make the formula a lil lighter on his belly and it seems to be doing the trick. He hasn't cried only grunted at me for his ba lol. And he has also pooed so I believe the water helps a lot. His Dr said not to give him water just because it has no calories but if its going to make my son feel better she can shove it lol he drinks a 4 ounce bottle of formula so I do 1 ounce of water. For a 6 ounce bottle I would do a ounce and a half
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