Baby moves ALOT

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 31 weeks preg with my first baby and he moves so much! You can always see my belly moving and bouncing around. I never thot you'd be able to see and feel it so much! I can honestly say that this is one of the most amazing feelings. :-) Except when he stretches. That's not so comfortable. Haha


  • :) you're telling me that's my sons favorite thing to do & he is so long! Sometimes it actually hurts! I'm 30 weeks 5 days. It's kind of weird to see your stomach constantly moving.
  • I know! My husband will freak out sometimes. I'm guessing mine is pretty long too cuz it will hurt sometimes when he stretches also. It feels like his feet are shoving into my ribs and his head and hands are digging into my hip. Poor little guy. He's just running out of room in there.
  • This is my 2nd pregnancy and he really hurts when he moves about I'm 34 weeks so not long now :)
  • I thought it was jus my baby sometimes I use to wonder does he ever sleep
  • I can't wait till I'm at that point....congrats
  • That sounds like a wonderful ((uncomfortable after a while)) feeling, but I'm soooo excited to feel mine for the first time. Im only 11 weeks and a day and getting soo impatient. 8-|
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  • I'm 37 weeks and 2 days, and I was told normally the big movements stop since there is less room and it's more nudges and pokes but it's not. My baby girl is constantly rolling around, sticking her bum out and bouncing her head on my cervix lol i'm hoping all this activity means she'll not be late, especially since my son was born at 38 weeks! Congrats and i'm glad you're enjoying feeling your baby move :-)
  • That's my favorite pregnancy experience! Oh, when theres just one baby. My twins seem to take turns or something. I always feel movement even trying to sleep through the night. Lol
  • @sheridanlm1991- what does out feel like when shes bouncing on your cervix? My boy has been bouncing and moving around alot and sometimes it feels weird.
  • This is my 3rd pregnancy. Last time I had twins. I love feeling my baby move but I will say this time is more uncomfortable. Is stretching me out and love that knife to the vagina move. LOL. 25wks due 6/27
  • @Rachelle- o I know what you mean! I think thats the most uncomfortabe part. My hubby doesn't understand when all of a sudden I'll jump and go "oo!" I think he's confused about anything pregnancy related. Haha
  • Yesterday my bby girl moved sooooo much it was very uncomfortable, painful... i also felt gassy/bloated... i took my glucose test but double dose..100grams... this bby was hyper!! It did affect her... I thought i was havn contractions at some point.... were better this morning... well rested...
  • I love feeling my little prince squirming around in there!! He gets super excited when he hears mommy and daddy's voice--something safe, familiar and comforting :) and they usually get more active at night when you lay down.....during the day when you're walking around, they will sleep more because it feels like a cradle motion inside there.....but once the moving stops, they give a biiiiiiiggggg stretch and say 'PARTY!!!!!' Lmao im 32 weeks and his movements still amaze me :)
  • It just kinda feels like stretching and like your whole private area is being pushed out! Sometimes it can cause a stabbing pain but most of the time it just feels weird lol :-)
  • Haha. Ok that must be what it is then cuz thats exactly what it feels like. Mostly when he stretches and pushes at my ribs and in between my hips.
  • @izander4-my little boy is very shy when other people touch my belly. Even his daddy! He can be squirming around like an eel and as soon as someone touches my belly he freezes. But if he just hears my hubby talk he gets all excited and we can watch him move. I love it. :) I'm so ready to have him here.
  • Im ready to have mine here too!!! My Izander is so shy.....i think he gets kinda scared when other people touch mommy's belly--he's really only used to mommy being that close to him, and he feels safe when he knows it's mommy there. Daddy has to talk to the belly before he can touch it because Izander stops moving if he just touches it. He gets kinda aggravated, lol daddy just doesn't understand...... :P
  • Haha! O my hubby just don't understand either. He just keeps saying my babys gonna be a mommas boy. My mother in law gets so mad when she can't feel him move. :p hehe. I secretly love it. Shes been to controlling during my while pregnancy.
  • Always cracks me up. I sit there laughing as my belly goes left to right!
  • I've tried to video tape it with my phone and she is so cramera shy that she instantly quits. Then when I turn it off 3 seconds later she starts training for the olympics in mommys tummy. Lol
  • I cant wait for those days she kicks a lil bit about twice a day n daddy kisses her everynight so I hope she isn't shy of him but that sounds memorible
  • I've actually got mine on a video but not his major stuff. And sometimes I gotta poke him. Lol. I lay the tv remote on my belly so you can see the movement better too.
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