
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok, so I've had some brownish discharge. Noticed it this morning and some cramping.... so, just wondering is that normal? Or should I call the doctor and see what's up???


  • I would say call the doctor to be on the safe side...
  • Call the dr!! Asap
  • How far along are you?
  • How far along are you? Brown discharge is completely normal during the first trimester :) cramping could be your ligaments stretching. Don't worry unless you start seeinf bright red blood. Rest up :)
  • I'm 5wks 5days... and I feel fine now just some slight cramping here and there. I think I'm gonna call the doc just to be sure though.
  • Oh hun you have nothing to worry about right now :) just watch for red blood. I'm having my second child. Is this your first?
  • All of that is normal. I had the same thing, and my midwife said it's normal as long as it's not red. It's probably implantation
  • Yeah its my first...just freakin out over nothingness I guess.
  • Not to worry, I had that with this pregnancy as well and freaked out a little too, I think that's normal for us mommy's. I even had skin colored clots. I freaked out but it was just mucus build up
  • You should get checked out. Dont mean to scare you.. But i had brown diacharge with my first.. Then turned to blood and i knew what was happening.. But i also had the same with this pregnancy. Was my body clearing out old blood as didnt have period before got pregnant again.. But doc said happens to alot of women around 6weeks and 8. Im sure everything will be ok. Ring youre m/w
  • Though not all women may notice implantation bleeding, others may have some discharge for a few hours when the fertilized egg embeds in the uterus wall. This spotting can be brown, red, or pink, and is sometimes the very first sign a woman has that she is pregnant. Implantation bleeding is most likely to occur during the first two weeks after conception occurs. Other brown discharge in early pregnancy that occurs is simply related to the growth and stretching of the uterus and the surrounding tissue. As the uterus changes size and shape to accommodate the growing embryo, some light bleeding can occur. Since this bleeding occurs slowly and is not part of an active blood flow, the blood is often light brown by the time it exits the body. But always good to check with your doctor to be on the safe side. Good luck! :)

  • i spotted at 10 weeks hun its fine x
  • Ok, thanks ladies for your help (:
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