Question for formula fed babies moms...



  • I exclusively breastfeed my daughter. And i think as long you are feeding your baby what it needs.. Like formula or breastmilk then that's awesome! Because sadly some babys are neglected and starved and beaten everyday. :( all of you are awesome good moms :) keep it up!
  • I totally understand what you're saying in this post. I read something that pretty much offended me about formula feeding. All that matters is a healthy baby!
  • I agree. I made the choice to bottle feed with my first based on the fact I was going back on antidepressants when I delivered. I never had so many ppl say disrespectful things to me in my life. I made the same choice with my second and will be making the same with this one. As far as I'm concerned as
  • edited December 2011
    I haven't done either yet, but am planning on breastfeeding. Just because your body makes milk doesn't mean its better for your baby. Yes it does have all the right nutrients and adapts to what your baby needs, but if you can't breast feed easily, your supply never picks up and it hurts or causes stress then it is better to formula feed. :)
  • Yeah my stress was soo high. They admitted my baby the next day I got out the hospital when I took her for her 1st appt because her eyes and I got really depressed. I was out of whack
  • I have a 3 yr old that was formula fed and he's crazy smart! My choice to breast feed now was was just a personal goal I set for myself with my now 1 month old. Breastfeeding is VERY difficult for me, and I live on these posts. Lol. Its a huge support system to be able to hear that its okay and you can do it. Otherwise, I might not have made it. I agree that Pregly is very bf focused right now but I think that's because: 1. There are more post pregs than pre due to it being shut down for awhile. 2. Bfing is so difficult that we need a LOT of support.

    I admit that I am one of those that posts alot about bfing. I apologize if anyone has taken anything the wrong way. I say this with most sincerity. Please have mercy on me for a little while until I get this figured out! Lol.
  • I am with you @vtmamajuju & very well said im a ftm & I breastfeed & just like every ftm we have a lot of questions, concerns, & need support just like anyone else. We all just have our little ones best interest in mind when it comes down to it.
  • I started ignoring the posts and sometimes the people who insinuate that's its bad we don't breastfeed. I made it 4 months and was happy with that. At her 4 months appointment she was even double her size at birth. Her spitting up was HORRIBLE. it was in her best interest for me NOT to breastfeed anymore.
  • @yayal0vesy0u I don't think she is talking about people who post questions about breastfeeding. Its more the people who make you feel bad or question why you have decided not to breastfeed.
  • @navybabyonway Im wondering if its just a misunderstanding between those that formula feed and those that make others feel bad. I don't think they mean anything by it. I think they do it because those of us that are struggling need to hear it to not give up.

    I urge formula moms to just be strong knowing that you too are doing what is best for you and baby. Just don't listen to what the rest are saying.
  • @vtmamajuju I totally understand needing to hear not to give up I needed it as well. But I thbk there are ways to say it that won't hurt peoples feelings and sometimes it seems like they either don't care that they do it or don't understand that they are doing it. So to me I think it's a good thing that this post was made so that maybe they can see that saying something's a certain way can be hurtful.

    I try to ignore the post like I said, I know that for my child breastfeeding was NOT best for her and I am okay with that. I made it four wonderful months doing it and we have a wonderful amazing bond.
  • I 100% agree w @navybabyontheway, it's all in how you say things:)
  • I never managed to get my son to latch on so I pumped a few weeks so that drying up wouldnt be so painful as my supply slowly went down and I cut out pumping sessions and replaced them with formula feeds. This time around I consider myself very lucky that bf was relatively easy apart from the soreness of the first few weeks. I have been on both sides and got alot of criticism for not feeding my son. Both options have different pros and cons but really as long as your baby is eating and healthy and you as a mum feel good about your decision either way who cares lol
  • I think as long as your feeding your baby and loving your baby and not starving your baby and leaving them in an alley somewhere that it doesn't matter if its breastmilk or formula, your doing a good job, a great job. I do both and im ok with it.
  • As long as your baby is getting the nourishment he/she needs, who cares? I have seen passive aggressive posts about breast feeding and they irritate me. I breast fed my son for 3.5 months before my pump gave out. I couldn't afford to replace it and I was working 40 plus hrs a week and going to school fulltime. I made crazy amounts of milk but I switched to formula . My son was satisfied and met every milestone ahead of schedule. He's now almost 4 ft tall and 70 lbs @ 3 years old. I plan on breastfeeding with this one coming in February but I will say that a large determinant for me was money. Breast milk is free and I don't want to buy formula unless it is necessary.
  • My bad double post
  • @0utlaw_Sphinx Seriously I'm so glad I'm not the only one who see this on the forum!

    @vtmamajuju You don't have to apologize, its not you. The problem is not the posts about questions about breastfeeding because this IS a forum to help people out but its all those in your face posts about why breast feeding is the best thing that a mother could do and the comments insinuating that formula feeding is bad. When I first had my baby and had issues breastfeeding this is the first place I came to ask a question so don't feel bad at all :)

    @navybabyonway I ignore them too but it does get under your skin after a while, it got to the point where I did not even want to post on here that I was breastfeeding AND supplementing because I knew if I got a comment saying "You don't have to supplement blah blah blah your body makes enough milk" I was going to go off on somebody lol
  • Some people HAVE to supplement and I hate when people say oh you body makes enough when they don't know the situation!!!
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with @momaynot, on not understanding all the difficulties until I tried. I know eventually my supply will diminish and I will have to supplement so I keep an open mind on how others feel. I hope I never said anything offensive. We are all great mommys:-)
  • Lol I'm not goin to lie I have been offended b/c my baby has been formula fed from the beginning i just couldn't do it but my baby is healthy n I'm happy doesn't mean I love my baby less just everyone is different different strokes for different folks lol
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