First trimester screening??

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
So am 14weeks amd just wonderin wen are yu supposed to go for that screening my doc.said they call me nd tat was 3weeks ago to make an appt but they haven't nd wat all do they do for that TEST?? :-?


  • I'd say if they were supposed to call you 3 weeks ago you need to call them. What did they tell you they were testing for?
  • All they told me is that it checks for down syndrome...
  • Its probably the nuchal screening. Its an ultrasound that they do at 12-13 weeks and it checks to see the chances of your baby having down syndrom. I dont think it can be done past a certain week so you should definitely call them.
  • @kassi its for down syndrome, cystic fibrosis and neural tube defects
  • 15-18wks. Its a blood test. It is NOT accurate. There are large chances for false positives. Mine came back abmormal. I freakd out for 2 wks b4 I could have a specialist do a very indepth ultrasound only to find out baby is very healthy. Talk w ur dr. I didn't have enough inf b4 I agreed to do the blood test and wish I had not done it. Either way, ihealthy or not I would love my baby. It put lots of stress on me. But to each's own and if u chose to do it that's ok. Everyone is different
  • Call your doctor to make that appointment. They test you to check for the chances of your baby having defects at birth. I had it done an it took like 5 tubes of blood. But they all came back normal.
  • Ohkay well thank you guys but I heard that they use a needle nd they use it inside to check do they reale do that
  • They drew blood from my arm an tested that. So thats wat will most likely do.
  • I have mine Monday I'll be 13 wks 1 day...they will do a sonogram and prick my finger and test the blood. If it comes back positive for abnormalities you can have an amniocentisis, where they poke your belly and test the fluid, but that's optional and risky.
  • There are two screenings
    1st trimester screening is u/s and a finger poke done 10~14wks
    2nd trimester screening is blood drawn done 15~20 wks
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