this is rediculous... tmi? i NEED to know..

edited December 2011 in Health
I had my daughter 11.30.11 (a Wednesday) fed her bottles at the hospital. Planned on pumping when I got home. I started Saturday because my breasts would leak uncontrolably* and soak my bra&shirt even when I wore the breast pads. Also I would wear wash clothes along with the breast pads and it would still soak through!(ugh) along with the fact that my breasts would be so full they'd be numb..and hurt so bad I didn't even want to move an inch. Well I've been pumping since but only because they hurt so much idk how to help it. I can't feed my daughter with the milk because she would throw it up plus its docs orders..he said to switch back to what I was at in the hospital so I did and she stopped throwing her food up.

Anywho I want to stop pumping since its for no reason at all..

What do you do to help the pain and make them stop leaking like a darn faucet?!?
Please help lol
I've tried ice packs as of today and the pain seems to have subsided a little but idk about the leaking yet..


  • Stop pumping if you aren't using the milk! take a hot shower to relieve some pain and yes ice packs. it will take a few days to a week for the pain to start going away. but just don't pump! pumping makes you produce more milk
  • edited December 2011
    I rubbed campho-phenique the liquid kind on mine its a pain reliever rumor was it dries milk idk but it stopped my pain n in 3 days they went down I was so happy n I also wore a tight sports bra
  • Put cabbage leaves on your breasts. It soaks up all the milk and helps your supply decrease. Good luck :)
  • Hot showers will help a lil with the pain an being engorged
  • I just stopped by trying to pump only twice a day for a few days and than only once for a few days until my suooly was so low it didnt hurt anymore
  • I got in the shower and pumped a tiny bit out to relieve the pain... it was like 8 showers the first day but it went down from there... only do a bit at a time o it will get worse.
  • Be sure to face away from the hot water in the shower. It stimulates the milk. It took almost a week for me to stop leaking a lot and for the pain to subside. I still leak a tiny bit here and there but not enough to really be noticed.
  • Stuff bra with cabbage
  • My Midwife also said Cabbage Leaves if I was producing too much Milk!
  • I wore two extremely tight sports bras with ice packs at night. Hurt for 3-4 days but was fine afterwards.
  • Thank you everyone, ill try anything lol
  • Also try not to touch or rub them because that can stimulate them too
  • DO NOT stop pumping all at once! It can cause problems and clogged ducts. Basically you just shorten a feeding once a week and yes hot showers, massages, etc stimulate the milk, but you dont produce more milk with it it just helps get the milk that is clogged in there that is hurting you. Its pumping and BFing that make you produce more milk. So just make sure you cut a pumping time once a week and take 1-2 hot showers and ice packs.
  • I've cut back on pumping. I only pump once a day. But I'm still leaking through my shirt(s) even with breast pads:( today was the most I've been out of my house, I wore a tank top, a t-shirt and a hoodie plus breast pads and luckily I came home in time for it not to soak through to my hoodie! I haven't gotten out to the store to get cabbage leaves to try. But I don't really have pain or swelling anymore but the leaking is still out of hand ..grrr
  • And when I pump I only pump 1oz to 1 1/2 oz each breast. And they stop leaking for a little bit
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