castor oil. updated

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ladies. I know there are tons of posts about this. I know it has worked for some and not for others. I want to know everyones experiences. How much did you take? How did you take it? And what happened. Thanks in advance ladies.


  • I never took it sorry there are some old post but how far along are u?
  • I took it last week. I actually just took it to clear my bowels, boy did it help with that! I took it because everywhere you look people say it wont cause labor if baby is not ready. My lo wasnt, clearly, since Im still pregnant. I wasnt really ready for her yet. I just didnt want to be embarrased again while pushing. (well after pushing) Im going to try it again soon, not sure when though. It did cause contractions for me. My back was killing, me! I took it with a chocolate milkshake from mcdonalds. I took a total of 5 Tbs that day. Im on BBC and those females are going crazy with the castor oil threads. It works for some,not for others. I have noticed that for the females it worked for they repeated the dose within a couple of hours and then cleaned like crazy. Try not to relax afterwards, walk if you can but stay very close to a toilet. Hope thi works for you. You're already dilated so this should help to get things going.
  • So i took some castor oil (not sure how much) around 1:30 i think. I poured it into orange juice and drank it. Then chased it with more orange juice. That was disgusting. Lol. Probably won't take more. Yuck. Anyways. I also had sex. After sex i got in a warm bath, could have been warmer. I wasn't able to stay in it cuz, like always someone needed something. We will see. I also had more nasty stuff come out.
  • @babybubba123111 im sorry it didn't work for you. I took some in orange juice and i probably won't do it again. Lol. That was horrible.
  • I drunk a whole bottle it was nasty & didn't work
  • I just poured some in some orange juice. I don't know how much but it was horrible. I don't think i can stomach anymore. Lol. So far ive had cramps and contractions. But nothing timeable. Haven't had to go yet. I kinda wish i could. Then i could be cleaned out. Lol.
    @kristaf22 @preggointx
  • Lol it's the texture of it that gross me out good luck
  • I took a large teaspoon full in some pure orange, 2 hrs later nothing had happened so while holding my nose I took 2 more table spoons (kept holding my nose as I rinst my mouth out) and didn't really taste it :) but 1.5 hrs later had the runs!! and my belly was so sore just from needing the toilet but that's the only thing it did do for me!
  • I found that it tasted better with Mcdonalds chocolate milkshake. I tried it with the strawberry first but just the thought of repeating the dose almost made me gag. The chocolate one was extra sweet so it masked it then I diluted it with water so I went down easier. The second time it didn't work at all, not a bm or anything. When I took it the first time I had tons of gas. It started working within an hour. Throughout the day when I realized that things were slowing down I took another 2 Tbs. At first I just had cramps but then out of nowhere I found myself shaking my legs to distract myself from the pain. After awhile I couldn't take it anymore and I headed to L&D. That's the first time I bled after an exam. The resident told me I was 1 cm, -3 an soft. But when I had the male dr check me on Monday he said I was a fingertip. This is why you should have the same person check you each time. It could have just boiled down to her fingers being smaller. But I think Friday is the day I will be trying again. Since the appt. I've been using epo, bouncingon my ball and walking every night so we will see what happens.
  • I took it with my LO I took 4 oz then walked a lot took another 4 oz 3 hours later and well let's just say it DID NOT cause labor but omfg I had shit soup for 2 days!! I literally had no idea if I was peeing or pooping. Now looking back its some funny shit LOL no pun intended :D but during it holy hell I thought if I go into labor I'm going to spray the nurse and dr with shit soup :D I was praying please no labor no contractions just intestine pain. Good luck hope it works better for you
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