do you think i will find out?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I will be nineteen weeks on Monday march 7th and have a doctors appointment that day. Do you think I will find out what I'm having? The doctor hardly tells me anything and is always in a hurry so its hard to ask questions


  • If your having a scan on that day they can defo tell the sex at 19 weeks x x
  • @Cheryl74 I thought so. With my first pregnancy the doctors would always let me know when I would be getting an ultrasound. This doctor is a lot different.
  • Ah, good luck hunny. I hope all goes well x x
  • Is ur doc doing the ultrasound or is a tech gonna do it? If its a tech, they will take time to check for the sex, its part of their job and they are usually really nice and answer any questions u have.
  • Soumds like u need a new doc lol. I would hate that. If ur getting a scan yes.. Def far enough to tell.
  • Ill also be 19 weeks on Monday and I'm going in but idk if I'm getting an u/s or not i hope so
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