ready to switch to formula

edited December 2011 in Breastfeeding
My daughter is 8 weeks today and exclusively bf. Its not something I enjoy like I read alot of other mums seem to. I dont feel an extra bond with her because of it. I get my bonding in other ways. I get anxiety when I feed so I have to keep my brain busy when feeding or I have to stop feeding and get up and walk. The convenience of bf is nice but the convenience of formula feeding and knowing exactly how much she is getting would be nice to. If I do switch I will do it slowly and pump aswell so I can introduce formula 1/2 with bm.... I dont know maybe some stories from both sides of the debate will help, I need your input ladies


  • I couldnt emotionally breastfeed, she wouldn't latch but I did pump for the first 2 weeks. I liked the comfort of knowing exactly how much she consumed and that I wouldn't have to be the only one feeding her. I don't regret it, and I'm not (or anyone around me) was hard on me for quitting. Formula is expensive though, if wic wasn't helping idk what we'd do. Good luck 7
  • @kimberly4411 we got past the first couple difficult weeks and she will feed perfectly for days then start detaching every minute or two for a few days and then go back to normal. Its all just driving me crazy... I will keep going till after new years but then I might switch if I dont feel better. Im in Australia too so no wic here but its not too expensive $15-20 a tin depending on the brand and that lasts roughly a week. Can only get powder formula here no liquid
  • U really just need to ddo whatever u need to do. Baby will sence ur stress from it so formula feed if u feel u should. Dont feel bad. U at least did it for this long. I formula fed all of my kids and they r just fine. I dont know about australia but in the us they cant sell a "bad" formula so generic formula is just as good as name brand.
  • I felt the same way when I was breast feeding. The best way to change to formula is take out one feeding at a time. If you don't, you will get engorged again. My doctor told me to take out 1 feeding every 3 days...that wasn't going to work for me. So I took did bottle, bf, bf, bottle and so forth until completely weaned. Good luck!
  • You're supposed to wean slowly, but when I stopped, I just stopped. It hurt for 3-4 days and then was fine!
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