Spitting up/reflux/HELP?

edited December 2011 in Babies Health
My son will be 3 months old thursday. His first month he was strictly breastfed, second month we started him on gentlease formula mixing the bottles half with breast milk. Then I went back to work so now he is fully on formula. Ok so on to my problem. As of the past few weeks he has been spitting up almost an ounce after every bottle, sometimes right after he burps sometimes an hour later. I called pediatrician and they told me it could be reflux and to add rice cereal to his bottles to help keep it down, its been only one full day since I've started this, and hes still spitting up. Should I give it more time or could it mean that is not the problem? Also my gut says its the formula and that I should switch to soy, but I'm a ftm. Advice please?

Srry so long*
I've also tried sitting him up 30 min after each bottle


  • Try similac alimentum and ask the doc for zantac...it helped my son alot...
  • My daughter was diagnosed with reflux after running a test. She takes zantac twice a day and it really helps a lot. Also give the cereal a week or so to see if that helps. If it doesn't then I'd suggest visiting the doctor. The reflux text is simple and quick so that may help.
  • @kelseyjo @1stwoodsbaby yes the doctor said that was the medicine he would put him on, but I don't feel like he has reflux, does it sound like the symptoms your babies have? also what was the test?
  • My baby has reflux and almost chokes on vomit comin back up through the day, comes off boob screaming and the spit up really smells sicky
  • How many ounces does he take?
  • @hot2cold87 4oz, been takeing that much since one month old¿
  • I had the exact same question. With my first son they had him take the Similac Alimentum and the rice cereal starting at two months. My personally opinion...it didn't help but now my 6 week old is having the exact same issue and I'm going to try the cereal again and since he's on Enfamil I plan to switch to Enfamil AR which is for reflux.

    @1stWoodsBaby What does the reflux test consist of? Because I need to email my son's doctor about it.
  • Does it seem to bother him does he just go on with his day after he does it? My daughter did/does do that and they said she is a "happy spitter". We tried zantac but it didn't do anything to help and doesn't bother her so we took her off of it. I put her on enfamil AR and it helps soooo much! Its a lot thicker and it made for babies that spit up.
  • It's expensive but try nutramigyn my daughter had acid reflux and they put her on that and baby zantac and she does a lot better
  • @pregnantelf and @lovebeingmommy
    For the reflux test you don't feed your baby after a certain time and then you go o the hospital and they do xrays of your baby's empty stomach. Then they give your baby a bottle of barrium to drink. They take xrays of the stomach and throat while your baby is drinking to make sure everything is working properly then once he/she is doing drinking they do more xrays to see if any of the barrium is coming back up. The barrium shows up purple on the scans so you can actually watch it go.down, fill up the stomach, and see it coming back up. Its really a neat procedure and you get the results right then.
  • @navybabyonway see thats why I dont think its reflux, because it doesn't bother him!! Yes I read about AR. I wil call the doctor in a few days if the cereal continues not to work, and see if they recommend I switch!!!
  • @1stwoodsbaby that does sound neat!
  • edited December 2011
    Oh my baby has been spitting up also i took him to the doctor the doctor put him on pedia lyte for 2 days said he might have a bit of stomach virus he still was spitting up on pedia lyte when we put him back on milk he is still doing it but he is not sick doesnt cry when spitting up it doesnt bother him when he went back to dr. Doc said babies spit up n he is happy long as he gaining weight n not spitting up everything but I watch him n I think its because he is just more active now after he eats he wants to play r stomach time that's when he spits up the most I fed him on the way home in the car he didn't spit up n he is greedy sometimes I think he eating to fast lol but idk I'm curious to see wat your doctor says about your Lil one my baby goes back on the 27th being on just pedia lyte made him lose weight so he goes back to make sure he gains it back
  • My daughter is 3 months and a week today she also has reflux and she was put on similac alimentum I don't see a difference yet as for the zantac no I didn't help it made the spiting up and vomiting worse and more painful for her
  • @jewel he has been on the rice cereal for 3 days now and its making a huge difference. He only spit once yesterday! I think if the meds dont work it's not truly reflux. That was my issue with the meds, doctors are so quick to give them. I told them I was going to try all other options before meds!!!
  • Wow just pedyalite? My doc. Said only to give one once in between his normal feedings, but not to replace feedings. Poor baby I hope he gets better! We tried the pedyalite once, it have him the runs. @hot2cold87
  • @hot2cold87 Yes just pedia lyte n yes it gave my baby the runs also he is 3 months also when he go back I'm going to ask if he can get cereal he was on it but I took him off b/c I wasn't for sure if it was ok for him so I want to ask his doctor
  • @PregnantELF How much rice cereal are you putting in your baby's bottle?

    @1stWoodsBaby Thank you. I'm going to try the cereal and if that doesn't work, I'll be making a doctor's appointment.
  • @lovebeingmommy they told me a half teaspoon per ounce. He gets for ounces of milk, so 2 teaspoons of cereal
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