Spitting up/reflux/HELP?
My son will be 3 months old thursday. His first month he was strictly breastfed, second month we started him on gentlease formula mixing the bottles half with breast milk. Then I went back to work so now he is fully on formula. Ok so on to my problem. As of the past few weeks he has been spitting up almost an ounce after every bottle, sometimes right after he burps sometimes an hour later. I called pediatrician and they told me it could be reflux and to add rice cereal to his bottles to help keep it down, its been only one full day since I've started this, and hes still spitting up. Should I give it more time or could it mean that is not the problem? Also my gut says its the formula and that I should switch to soy, but I'm a ftm. Advice please?
Srry so long*
I've also tried sitting him up 30 min after each bottle
Srry so long*
I've also tried sitting him up 30 min after each bottle
@1stWoodsBaby What does the reflux test consist of? Because I need to email my son's doctor about it.
For the reflux test you don't feed your baby after a certain time and then you go o the hospital and they do xrays of your baby's empty stomach. Then they give your baby a bottle of barrium to drink. They take xrays of the stomach and throat while your baby is drinking to make sure everything is working properly then once he/she is doing drinking they do more xrays to see if any of the barrium is coming back up. The barrium shows up purple on the scans so you can actually watch it go.down, fill up the stomach, and see it coming back up. Its really a neat procedure and you get the results right then.
@1stWoodsBaby Thank you. I'm going to try the cereal and if that doesn't work, I'll be making a doctor's appointment.