


  • Seriously Pregly was closed for a long time so no new people or stories. You guys keep yelling MUD just because someone has an odd story. That's downright insensitive. And its all ay once because they couldn't join before yesterday. We all know men never cheat right. This story is not the same as the other girl's. The only similarity is that the guy cheated. This poor girl is 19 with a 2"month old and a horrible bd. Attacking her is wrong and grossly unfair. Her story really isn't that far fetched. Anyway I've advised her to get out of that. Wouldn't it be awesome if we offered some of that support she came here for?
  • My husband of nearly 15 years cheated on me with my nieghbor 8 doors down! After the jerk made me move 300moles from my's all good now tho. Divorced single momma of 3 :) We all have crazy stories!
  • Miles not moles damn!
  • Wow this is a very interesting story. I'm sorry your going through all this! I hope you guys figure everything out.
  • Thank you @tishj330, @smcox and @jaime77 for actually giving me advice.

    The rest of you women are so rude. I can't believe y'all. I joined pregly when I was 8 months pregnant but never made a screen name and now that registration was open I thought I'd join and get advice. I'm sorry y'all are so bitter that you think I'm fake but I'm not.
  • Thank you for the advice and kind words @kristaf22 and @bigmomma08
  • I just really hope everythingb works out for you. I'm sure that's not an easy situation to be in. I'm here if you need somone to talk to. Merry christmas!
  • Me bitter ahaha no, but feeling sorry for you yes. I'm 20 just turned 20 & have an almost 3 month old & c'mon I KNOW you can make BETTER choices then being with a scum bag who CHEATS with his COUSIN. if he cheated with family he'll do it with ANYBODY. Do what's best for YOUR child. His cousin is a MINOR! That should be the cherry on top to MOVE ON. How many other LITTLE girls has he slept with?
  • None of us are trying to be rude we're just trying to figure out why the hell your still there! There's something really wrong with this dude!
  • I'm sorry for all the hostility you've gotten! Seriously if you ever need to talk or hear just vent or anything message me here or you can find me on facebook. Sarah Michelle Cox good luck mama and I pray everything works out for you and babies sake!
  • She's confused and y'all are being rude. Calling this mud and going in on her and her story. How about a little compassion?
    @hiswifey87, you have a big decision to make. I think its best that you get away from this jerk. He and his family have lots of issues. Where is your family? Please don't be offended by the responses you have received. Please allow us to give you some support.
  • well i wasnt being rude geeeeze louise but yeah take your stuff and run lol
  • I would strongly consider what is best for you and your child. If he did it once, who's to say it won't happen again. And I know people make mistakes but this is pretty serious. As far as his cousin goes, she was mature enough to have sex she should figure out what to do. He also needs to be reported about the drinking and sexual relations with a minor!
  • I would remove myself from the situation. im not for abortion or anything but this man messed with a 16 yr old! Cousin or not thats wrong. Drunk or not its wrong. i know u love this man but u deserve better. Dont mix yourself with trash that will sleep with a 16 yr old
  • @babydust.
    In no way shape or form am I defending this man, but for you to say that because he slept with someone he shouldn't have that he would endanger a child is a little drastic.
  • I would get out. Honestly, you gotta judge people by their behavior. He cheated. He knocked her up. And he's not phased by it. That last part is a huge indicator of how he is.
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