My Birthing Story for Adalia Grace*
Its Christmas, I'm bored and I won't be able to celebrate anything until later today so I figured I would share my birth story.
I had my daughter Adalia Grace on November 6.
I went into the the hospital on a Friday. Just kinda sat there in a room while they did their pee collection(By the way pissing in a jug sucks). I went in the first place due to contractions(which I thought was labor and really turned out to be FINALLY). I finally hit 4 cms after sitting at 3cms for months. I got to 4 and wouldn't progress past it. I was given pitocin Contractions sucked, I got to 5 and then wouldn't really progress after that. I was in pain, hungry and tired. So I got an epidural and I really couldn't fix being tired since I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep so I decided to eat since I could fix being hungry(2 hunnybuns, a zebra cake and a bag of chips I had hidden in my purse). Yeah, I already know I wasn't supposed to do that. Anyway next time I was checked I was at a 6. They asked if I would consider a c-section so I had to confess that I had eaten so of course a c-section was a big fat NO for a couple of hours. In the process of waiting for my food to digest so I could get a c-section I went from a 6 to a 10. Pushed for 2 hours in every position known to man and with birthing straps. And after 2 hours of pushing, kicking, screaming, yelling at people, busting capillaries in my face and a big rip from my clitoris to my butthole she was finally born on November 6, 2011 at 12:27pm weighing in at 11lbs 6oz 23 3/4in long. And her name is Adalia Grace Ching.
She is the most awesome and easy baby ever. Rarely makes even a peep and is pretty much content 24/7.
And by the way I am still VERY upset with @TishJ330 for having her baby before me when she was due 2 weeks after me... Yeah... I'm still not over
I had my daughter Adalia Grace on November 6.
I went into the the hospital on a Friday. Just kinda sat there in a room while they did their pee collection(By the way pissing in a jug sucks). I went in the first place due to contractions(which I thought was labor and really turned out to be FINALLY). I finally hit 4 cms after sitting at 3cms for months. I got to 4 and wouldn't progress past it. I was given pitocin Contractions sucked, I got to 5 and then wouldn't really progress after that. I was in pain, hungry and tired. So I got an epidural and I really couldn't fix being tired since I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep so I decided to eat since I could fix being hungry(2 hunnybuns, a zebra cake and a bag of chips I had hidden in my purse). Yeah, I already know I wasn't supposed to do that. Anyway next time I was checked I was at a 6. They asked if I would consider a c-section so I had to confess that I had eaten so of course a c-section was a big fat NO for a couple of hours. In the process of waiting for my food to digest so I could get a c-section I went from a 6 to a 10. Pushed for 2 hours in every position known to man and with birthing straps. And after 2 hours of pushing, kicking, screaming, yelling at people, busting capillaries in my face and a big rip from my clitoris to my butthole she was finally born on November 6, 2011 at 12:27pm weighing in at 11lbs 6oz 23 3/4in long. And her name is Adalia Grace Ching.

And by the way I am still VERY upset with @TishJ330 for having her baby before me when she was due 2 weeks after me... Yeah... I'm still not over