I need help!
Hi. My name is Robin. I have serious mental health problems. I have a overwhelming urge for attention. I call people out, cause drama and thrive on it. I don't have much of a life because nobody likes associating with such an ugly person both inside and out. I make things up just so people with acknowledge me, instead of seeing me as the pitiful person I really am. I even claimed to have cancer! Who does that? Me. I know, I need a life, but I have burned every bridge. Someone, anyone - PLEASE HELP ME!!
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I tried
I really need help.
I know I'm pathetic. You just reminded me...myself? I can't keep all my multiple personalities straight. Good thing my eyes are brown, because I am full of shit. Everything that comes out of my mouth is lies. You should know, you live with yourself everyday. Only friends we have is our multiple personalities and our internet friends because we tell them lies to like you, me, us? I don't even know, I am so confused. Must be the fake cancer. Or the fake kids I claim to have.
I should. How do I fix it with everyone I hurt and lied to?
go pop some more dope and whine about not having your kid claiming ridiculous lies. I am busy here.
Because I do it to everyone else. I told you. I am a horrible person that compulsively lies.