My age, really?

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
Hi, some of you know me, some of you don't. So I'm gonna throw it out there, I'm 17. I have a 5 1/2 month old son named Bentley, obviously. He is my absolute life. His dad and I are together. We've been through A LOT. Especially with his grandma. She didn't like me, I didn't like her, for the longest time. But we're actually getting along now and everything seems to have fallen into place.

But for some reason people who love to take cracks at me can only talk about my age. So for clarification YES I'M SEVENTEEN WITH A BABY. YES I'M A TEEN PARENT. YES I LOVE MY SON AND TRY TO BE THE BEST MOM I CAN BE AT ONLY SEVENTEEN.

Now, find something else to hate on. Bitches.


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