come on, lets share!

edited December 2011 in Just for Fun
So ppl, how was ur xmas and did it go how u wanted it to? Plus did ur babies get lotsa presents? My son is 4 months old and his first xmas was great, he even dressed up as Santa and looked gorgeous as usual. He received two black bags full of presents too. He is so blessed and I'm a happy mummy. Next year, we plan to go on holiday for xmas, what do u plan on doing next year? ur turn......!


  • My son will be 3 months on the 28th
    He got the Einstein jumper, clothes, a piggy banks, one of those teething nooks for when he does start teething, a kitty stuffed animal that sings "Soft Kitty" from Big Bang (he loves that song lol and has been gnawing on the kitty all day). Thats pretty much it lol
  • @littlefae I would love a piggy bank myself lol and the teething stuff sound great. Do u know how u will be spending xmas next year?
  • @yummymummy1 - the piggy bank was from Target, it was even a frog so it matches his room! And the teething thing is one of those berry teethers so it looks just like a paci but its bumpy and colored like a raspberry or blackberry, they are pretty interesting.
    And no clue how next year will be, probably my parents begging me to go to CO for Christmas, I refused to go anywhere this year so it was just hubby and lo which was really nice. I live in MN and all of our family are out of state, hubbys are in AZ and mine are scattered everywhere lol
    But, we'll probably be going out of state if we have the money.
  • Aww how lovely.
  • Any other ladies have a good xmas or is it just littlefae and I ??
  • Christmas isn't about presents so this year we didn't buy any! We loved it!!! Baby's first Christmas was awesome because my family got to come over and just eat, eat, eat and socialize without the pressure of gifts! My husband and I may continue the tradition, we'll see! :)
  • We were totally broke but Christmas was great none the less!!!! Got to spend all morning and afternoon with Kairi in the NICU. She got a recordable book from us and a drawing that daddy taped to the side of her isolette. I got a panda hat and hubs got a quicksilver daddy backpack cuz he refuses to carry a diaper bag lol then went to the bff's house and ate turkey!!!! Then we got a keurig caddy and k-cups for our coffee maker :)
  • I had a great one too. My husband got me & my daughter both diamond earrings. She's only 3 months and we are going to get her ears pierced after her next set of shots. My parents received an inheritence recently and so my mom went overboard with the presents. She got me a espresso machine and a kitchenaid food processor, $100 giftcard for groceries, and many more little things. I felt like a kid again. My baby got lots of clothes, a bumbo and teethers. My son asked for only gift cards to target or cash (he's 14). He got $120 in cash and $160 in gift cards.

    But the best thing this year was that my family is all healthy and the baby we wished for was finally with us this holiday season.
  • The best gift of all is our babies @2ndtimearound that's sounds fab, lucky u! @marinewifey10 I would like to get the recordable book for my baby too, they are so good. @devinedesign having your family to spend xmas with is always nice too, our house was filled with family, I was so tired after lol
  • I wish I could've enjoyed it hormones were so out of wack..I started my period the day after and its the first one after giving birth. So all day I was getting annoyed & irritable with every little thing. I wish it could've just been my fiance, our little girl and me, but everyone wanted to be around for her first we were rushing constantly.

    Next yr will hopefully be better! My parents are divorced so my dad gets my siblings for xmas eve so we will probly be spending the night over we usually do every other year since they've been divorced.
  • Aww @britt21 I haven't had my second period since I started breastfeeding and I actually miss it because I worry if I'm pregnant again. I'm not used to this. It was my sons first xmas too and don't worry, next year will be slightly better
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