Am I wrong for being hurt at my mil ? She
Can visit her other grandchildren but not mine with her son. When I express my hurt all he tells me is she won't drive this far we are 30 mins by street 15 by freeway but she doesn't drive the freeway. Her other grand kids live 15 -30 mins by street and she makes an effort fro them. One is with now ex wife, the other are his brothers kids. I wouldn't Care so much if my mom was here but she past away a few yrs back and I feel my kids need a grandma. His mom doesn't see them often and then has the nerve to be hurt when my kids don't wanna be around her. Idk how to feel I'm hurt, angry and confused about her behavior. Thanks for listening..well more like reading


  • No, I think it's BS when people make excuses. My grandma is like that (granted she lives 4 hours away from me) and won't drive 5 minutes up the street to see her grandkids, but she expects everyone to bow down to her and come to her house. Ugh. Makes me mad! X(
  • My MIL is the same way so I feel your pain.....I know it hurts my husbands feelings even if he doesn't say pisses me off more than anything because I know he's hurt but personally I could give a flyin crap if I ever saw her lol
  • It's always like that, she needs to be picked up,you need to take her the kids but the other baby mommas don't do that for her then y do I ? They drive or have boyfriends that do. So y do I have to drive my kids to see her if the other moms don't?
  • I know its a pain in the butt....My MIL wont even come and see us without an entourage of at least my sister in law and one of my brother in laws it is so sad!
  • @the one yes it is she does that too :-( I'm so fustrated with this
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