help me through this?

edited December 2011 in Loss
@babynewyear @ripkaydence

How do you get through the hard days? The days where you miss your babygirl so much you don't know what to do? I'm having on of those days today and it hurts. My heart is breaking all over again. Everytime I feel like I'm starting to heal a little bit, my world just comes crashing down again. I should be 38weeks pregnant. Not mourning the death of my Isabella. Everyone tells me I'm so strong..but I'm not. I'm just living. Ugh. Idk what to do anymore..


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  • I wished I could say something to make you feel better, but I've never gone through what you have. Brianna I'm so sorry, and if it will have rough days, and days where it all seems like a dream, but it's okay to break down. We're all here for you so when the time is right you have the support to get back up. We won't let you fall far ;-)
  • I know exactly how you feel. I too lost my baby in 2008. It was soo hard to live day by day without him. I felt like I was going to lose it I cried day and morning and there are still days were I just remember him. I read your other post were you say you want a baby but dont want any because your still mourning your loss. I was the same I didnt want babies to soon so I used bc and when I stopped it took me almost three years to conceive and have my baby girl. I can say im in love with her shes my world and she makes me happy. I mean life keeps going hang in there. I know your never going to forget your lo because I never will but you will have another baby and life will be good. For now just leave life little by little..
  • I have lost 4 angles and all i can say is that it takes time to feel a little better. I still cry for my babys but it is a little easier each day. Talk about what you are feeling dont hold it in! if you cant talk then right it down! if you someon to talk with im here if you would like. Just hang in there. Some days are harder then others but it will be ok i promise!! give yourself time to cry ok
  • Thank you @cristinalynn @mama_kat

    @august22baby I agree, I know it won't be the same, and I won't stop missing just sucks to have to carry this feeling.

    @megaroo I couldn't imagine going through this more than once. I'm sorry for all of your losses. And you're right, I should write it down. Idk why I haven't yet.

    @camilasmommie that's what I'm doing, and it has worked so far(taking it day by day) at night is when it hits me the most. When robert cuddles me and starts to rub my stomach. Its like a constant reminder that she is no longer here. It sucks.
  • Still thinking about you momma and wishing I could do something to help you. I hope your doing ok. I am still waiting to go to lunch too :) My Hubby is home all week if you free this week. Wed or Thurs?? Let me know!
  • If you can find some support thats really good to! i dobt really have any support so its very hard! but day by day is best.
  • Can Cheryl add you to her fb angels groups? It may help.
  • There is actually a beautiful poem on here that someone posted, I will try to find it, and I'll tag you in it. Hugs!
  • @cicelia Wednesday or Thursday works for me(:
    @megaroo yeah, I think I just need to go back to counseling. :/
    @august22baby thank you, I think that's a goos way to look at it.
    @jaimie77 I belong to like 5 angel mommy groups on fb lol I just don't get on them much cause I don't like reading about other babies being lost. Its sad.
    @fate okay, thanks. Idk if ill see it though cause for some reason I don't get my updates?
  • IT's in the discussions right now. I will bump it again if you are still on. :(
  • Bumping now, It's called "For those who have experienced a loss".
  • One thing i did that i feel helped alot is i picked a star in the sky for each of my babys so when its one of those hard days i look up and feel a sence of peace knowing they up there. J
  • (: I do that on clear nights. I look up at the sky and find her star and talk to her lol @megaroo
  • Just thought i would share something that helped me. And i just started counseling too and i really love it! it might be a good idea.
  • Thank you(: @megaroo and yes, counseling would be good!
  • I dont get a lot of clear nights here in Las Vegas because of all the lights lol. But its still nice to think about.
  • And support is a big one friends family husbund etc. I dont really have anyone but i know it would help!!!
  • Sorry I was sleeping....Brianna txt me when you wake up. Sorry I missed you. Call me if you need to. Praying for you momma. We can get through it with help from each other.
  • I will pray for you, time is the only tging that will heal you, well that, friends and family. I see a counselor, she is the best thing. It helps a lot. I would love to say it gets easier after the due date but it doesnt. Its get harder but you are a strong momma and you
  • Will get through this. Sorry I thought I sent 4 hrs ago
  • @megaroo I'm sorry, that must be hard :/ I hope you don't keep it all inside, that could drive anyone insane!

    @babynewyear2012 thank you! And thanks for texting back.

    @jodi102011 thank you. I agree, I set up an appointment with my therapist fo the 3rd. So hopefully that helps.

    And thank you everyone for responding. I was having a really bad night :/
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