i want my baby!

After loosing Isabella 25days ago, I'm desperately wanting to have another baby. But at the same time, I don't. I want to finish my degree in juvenile justice, and I want robert to have a steady job. Well and myself as well..lol ugh. I WANT MY BABY BACKKKKK! :(
Oh and robert doesn't want to try to have a baby anytime soon, either. Cause he's still hurting a lot. And we are both scared of loosing another child. I don't think we can go through that again..(we lost Isabella at 34weeks pregnant after a perfect pregnancy, and the cause of death was unknown)
I kind of just want to wait til we are married to have sex again..idk when we will get married, but it hurts me to have sex with him knowing we won't have a baby anytime soon. We will be together for 3years on february 10th, 2012.
I told him I'm thinking about not having sex til we are married..but I haven't told him the exact reason yet.


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  • @MomOfAnAngel, I am so sorry for your loss? Do they think the cord was wrapped around her neck. I lost my son in june. I had an incompetent cervix. I was 22 weeks and one day. My sac was infected. I miss my baby boy every day. His name was mason. My husband and I are trying again but I am super scared.
  • @jodi102011 nope. They didn't tell me anything like that. I'm assuming she pinched it somehow? Idk. I'm sorry for your loss as well. :/

  • Im really sorry for ur loss. Im glad u have found a place to vent ur pain and find other moms who have been thru similar so they might b able to help. I wish no one ever had to go thru what ur going thru. Many prayers sent ur way.
  • Thank you@mommyof3girls
  • I'll be praying that you get blessed. Good luck girl & sorry about your lose.
  • Sorry for your loss
  • I don't blame u for wanting one but not I was the same way after loosing mine and I don't know what the sex was I couldn't imagine what u went through I'm sorry for ur loss :(
  • @momofanangel we lost Benji back in May at 22 weeks 4 days, as he had abnormatlities which would have proved fatal had he been born at term. I was given a week to come to terms with being induced and him passing away during labour, so I have no idea how you feel, yet in a way I guess I do. we were advised by docs not to ttc until dec. So now af has been I'm excited to try again, but so so scared about something going wrong. Someone on here once told me that "God never gives you more than you can handle" that I believe, and also "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger" please be strong and don't bottle things up x
  • Thank you @preggointx

    @allyssasmommy thank you. And I think loss at any gestation can be just as horrible :(

    @mummylady83 I had about the same amount of time as you did to come to terms with my child, my daughter being born dead. I. Was in the hospital for 5days trying to have her. It was long and hard! And I agree God didn't take her for no reason, and although I'm so incredibly hurt by it. I'm okay.
  • Kind of okay...but not really. Ha I miss my daughter a lot.
  • I miss Benji every single day. I put on a front everyday that I'm over him passing, reality is I'm nowhere near that point. I'm not on here all the time, but if you need to talk at any point, message me.
  • @momofanangel girl. I know how you feel yesterday my daughter would by 10 weeks old and tomorrow will be 10 weeks since her death. I cry everyday and I'm ttc now but I want her amd a new baby we had a plan!!!
  • @mummylady83 yeah, I know what you mean. I don't act like I'm over her death, but I do act like everything is good to go. I HATE crying infront of people and I HATE gettitng pitty from people when I'm down and they also ask ten thousand questions as to why. Idk why it bothers me, but it does :/

    @ripkaydence exactly..it sucks so much!! My due date is coming up and I'm not ready for it at alllll! Isabella was planned, too. She was very much wanted. And I just don't understand sometimes. But I accept it as it is.I can do nothing to change the circumstances. And it sucks. .
  • I'm sorry honey I truely am! May God bless your family!
  • Yeah that's what I meant, it's like a mask. I don't wanna break in front of them. Idk why either. :-\
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