wants to breastfeed, ne suggestions for the pain

edited January 2011 in Breastfeeding
Hey I'm a first time mom, I'm about 33 weeks. Everybody keeps trying to steer me from it. But I want to breastfeed..is theiir nething I can do to get my nippples ready for the pain


  • They sell a cream at babies r us...not sure of the name but its with all the pumps and breast pads. A lot of hospitals also have specialists that will help you. I had no problems breast feeding my son, never got clogged or anything. Good luck, it really is the best thing for the baby and good for bonding with him/her.
  • Get some lanolin oil...yes breastfeeding hurts for like the first week...but the way I looked at it was heck...if I can bring a baby into this world and make it through delivery..I will be okay...I do remember it being a little painful...but truthfully you are soooo sleepy that you barely remember that...it is five times as easy to just bf at night than it is to make a bottle and all that stuff...it creates a closer bond with you and your baby that no one else in the world can match...and let's face it, it is the healthiest start you can give yourself and your new baby...my best advice is think past the pain and focus on why your doing it...you will blink and the painful time will be gone lol...GOODLUCK!!
  • Just wondering ladies how many times a day you breastfeed your new born baby? I'm new mum and I really want to breast feed but when I ask other mum they seem to put me off it.
  • Ian pregnant with my third baby. I have breastfeed each of them and wouldn't change that experience for anything. With my first it was just slightly painful the very first time my son latched on and ur boobs are more soar from them being filled than any thing.don't let people scare u every person's experience is different for some it doesn't hurt at all and for others it's more painful.u just go by ur experience and go from there.
  • I tried to breastfeed my first, but had no support. I thought the pain would go on forever, and everyone told me it was gross, even my mother! So i quit, and bottlefed my son. I have always regretted it. I knew what was best, and let others influence me out of it. When my daughter came, i was determined to stick with it, and the pain passed after about 2 weeks. Best thing i ever did. Lanolin is great, use lactation consultant at hospital, make sure nipple is perky before baby latches on. I know you can do it!
  • Once you and baby get good at latching its effortless and absolutly wonderful! The pain is usually minimal, and worth it regardless. Not only the health benefits and bonding, but just not having to deal with bottles and sanitation and making sure its the right temperture... everything is ready to go, the baby doesn't have to wait and get angry because you're making it. I tried to breastfeed my daughter but had so many problems with no support that I gave up. I refused to give up with my son and the bond he and I have is so much better than with my daughter. I'm going to breastfeed this one, too.
  • Thank u all! I will get the lanolin oil asap...I'm so exicited to meet my son, nd share a bond with him that no one ever will. :)
  • @jemmaylon your baby will let you know when he or she is hungry. Breastfed babies do eat more often than bottle fed. Its around 10 / 12 times a day to start. Or every 2 / 3 hours. They will start to eat less often the older they get. Im on my fourth baby snd hsve breast fed my other 3. I wouldn't change it for the world. The bond that you develop is priceless!!!! If you get a lactation consultant at the hospital you really should only have a small amount of discomfort from the fulness. Good luck!!!
  • With my first baby i breastfed. There is a cream called kamomile and it did wonders for when your nipples get sore and cracked. Safe for baby and smells really nice. Ask at ur local boots or chemist. I was 17 and i wanted the best for my baby. And it was soooo easy. No getting up making bottles at stupid o'clock. Just latch on and have a doze while they feed.
  • Get a tube of Lansinoh about $8.00 at Walmart or any drugstore. It pure lanolin & can be used before baby is born & during breastfeeding. I'm expecting my 5th baby & nursed them all & used this on my nipples. It also can be used for dry skin, chappped lips. Make sure take advantage of the lactationist @the hospital. Remember baby's have to learn to breast feed & it takes practice & lots of patients.
  • I used a product (I think I found them at Walmart) called a nipple shield. It was a 2 pack of silicone shields you place over your nipple that helps with any pain, latching issues or akward feeling. I never had any pain or cracked nipples! So worth the 4 dollars!! :)
  • Everyone is different because I didn't feel any real pain. I loved breast feeding. It was easy, cheap and best for baby x I'm gutted I can't feed this one x
  • @coffeehousekiki, these nipple things, you put them on while bf the baby? Sorry I am going to be a new mom and don't know how it works. Do they have a hole in the nipple?
  • I highly recommend you make sure and meet with the lactation specialist in the hospital. They are amazing and very proactive!! You can even meet with them before you deliver so that you will be ready. Breastfed babies nurse soon after delivery. Also in the beginning skin on skin is the best way to get them to latch easy. Good luck and congrats to you!
  • i breastfed my first but not for long bc i had and emergency surgery a few weeks after he was born and all the drugs they gave me dried my milk up within 24 hrs...i was crushed! the told me to pump and dump but nothing would come out so that was a wrap for me...i do remember the pain but nipple shields and cream did help a lot...i fully intend on breast feeding my 2nd ( coming in late june) i am well prepared this time with a new pump and all kinds of cool stuff to helo the proccess be simple and painless....ask for a nipple shields from ur lactation consultant in the hospital some offer them to you for free...and they will show you the proper way to use them and answer any questions you may have....
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