Kairi's birth story

edited December 2011 in Birth Stories
It all started Monday night (5th of December) around 10 or 11 PM, I started feeling contractions which I thought were braxton hicks because they didn't hurt. But they started getting constant but I still wasn't convinced because it didn't hurt and I was playing Fable 3 so I was so tuned to my game lol. Brushed it off and went to sleep. But the minute Ed woke up at 5:30 AM, I told him I thought I was having contractions because they were still going while I was sleeping! I had a dream and it felt real because I was having contractions during them!!!! At this point, they were still tolerable, a bit stronger but they weren't killing me like everyone had me thinking lol.
So before we left, we dropped off our fuzzy baby, Sora, at my friend's who sees me laying in the car on my side and asking if my contractions hurt. I said not really and she was like oh no it's going to get worse. Yea like I needed the scare lol. So we get to the hospital around 8 AM and they're checking in a room to assess me and when I went to pee, just blood!!! LIKE A PERIOD!!! At this point, I'm trying not to freak the eff out cause it looked like I was on my period and if my baby was okay. The nurses and my favorite one who was there from when I had first went to the hospital named Lorene was there let them check me and I was 9 in a half cm dilated and in tact, my water didn't break. Ed and me just looked each other like "holy shiznits!" haha it was great. So the nurses freaked and brought in the ultrasound stuff to make sure Kairi was head down. But by that time my contractions were totally sporadic. 5, 10, 15 mins apart. But they weren't going to stop labor. They put me into my own little private room and hooked me up to the IVs, they gave me magnesium solfate or something to slow down my contractions so I can get another steroid shot in to make Kairi's lungs more developed. So I was feeling like crap from that but calm as all as can be since Ed wasn't leaving and nor was Lorene. She told the head nurse that I was going to be her main patient till I delivered. I love you Lorene!!!!
At this point I been in labor for about 5 hours and it's 1 PM. I was a complete 10 and they decided to break my water which tickled and felt great once it was popped lol. I'm still trying to figure out why the hell am I not in pain and so were my doctors!!!! They were like WOW..you are way too chill right now lol which isn't normal for me since I have anxiety issues. I started doing practice pushes and laughed through out cause Ed and my nurses kept saying funny shit but they were kinda hard cause I wasn't countracting but Kairi's head went down a bit. Oh so the doctor left because she didn't believe Lorene about me having contractions. So that's when they busted out the pitocin. And I was like f@*k, that's the stuff that makes your contractions hurt a lot more than they're suppose to lol. A few minutes of that dripping and my contractions started being 3 minutes apart but they still felt the same and it didn't hurt. So did a few more practice pushes during them and the top of Kairi's head popped out and that's when the rush began. Everyone came running into my room and got situated and I started pushing again. I lost count how many pushes I did but Kairi's head and shoulder was out and that was the only part I felt uncomfy with because the doctor told me to stop but my vajayjay was like not uh! and she was out :) at 2:10 pm on December 6th. I love my experience so much and I would totally go all natural again!!! And she's here, not full term but healthy as can be. I just need her home. Thank you for reading guys. Sorry for it being so long


  • CONGRATS hunny! I am ttc and when I do I want to give birth all natural :) Thank You for your story, now I am positive its possible :-D
  • @Prayin_4_twins thank you!!! you will definitely get prego when you least expect it :) I woke up crying one night telling my husband that i gave up and it hurt too much try welps..i was pregnant when i said that. don't worry love, you will get your miracle baby and it was actually your story that helped my husband and i. totally made us not feel alone in ttc. and thank you @mommyof3girls :)
  • Awwww! I am so glad that you got your miracle! I do my best to stay positive, & I know trust 2012 is going to be great! Now let's see pics if that beautiful baby!
  • this is her couple hours after birth

    her and daddy Photobucket

    29 weeks gestational age (2 weeks old) off the cpap and on a nasal canula and smiling

    29 weeks still and so cute

    when she was still on her cpap

    off her cpap
  • Awwh congrats!!! My best friend didn't feel anything really either...her daughters were laying on a nerve in her back lol. This makes me feel a little better though...I'm 24 weeks and am having problems, and I'm scared to go into preterm again...but your beautiful little girl and story has me more at ease. When do you get to have her home and how much does she weigh/how long is she?
  • Thank you @CristinaLynn :) you'll be fine hun. Just keep calm and expect the unexpected lol that's going to be my next plan when I ever decide to get pregnant again. Did they ever tell you why you went into preterm labor? I'll have to get a cerclage next time cause they said I have a weak cervix. We might be able to get her home in Feb, a month before her due date since she's doing so well. Right now she weighs 2 lbs 13.1 oz and she gained 22 grams today and she's 16.23 inches. Birth weight was 2 lbs 6.1 oz and height was 16.14 inches. They said she was 2 wks ahead in weight and 3 wks ahead in height.
  • @marinewifey10 stress unfortunately :-/ thankfully with this baby I've been able to stop contractions at home. She is so pretty though, congratulations!! So good that she's doing great!! :-D yay
  • OMG. She's so cute! Congrats!
  • @CristinaLynn aww..sorry you're stressed :( that;s good that you can. i'm still trying to get my mommy-ness together but she;s has made me really girly finally lol daddy is happy about that. and thank you again :) i hope she continues to do well until it's time to come home!!! @fate thank you :) all her nurses keep telling us she is and that she's a happa it's hawaiian for mixed. she's half puerto rican, laotion and vietnemese
  • thank you @August22baby! :) just missing her soooo much right now :( her hospital is half an hour away and the hills and crap in hawaii kill our gas -sigh- hopefully we can see her tomorrow
  • Congrats, she is beautiful! And congrats on the great and easy labor :)
  • Congrats, she is beautiful! And congrats on the great and easy labor :)
  • she's beautiful congratz :)
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