Oh my poor baby :'-(

edited December 2011 in Babies Health
Well some of you might know(im not sure who remembers) my baby was diagnosed with horrible eye conditions. Laila has been in & out of eye specialists offices to see what they can do for her and how much of her eyes developed. Well next thursday she has to go to Tucson for her 2nd visit to see the cornea surgeon. (we live in phoenix,az). This time they are going to put her under anesthesia and take a closer look to see how much vision she has before doing a cornea transplant.
Im soo worried and I dont know what to think. Im really hoping something good comes out of all this. It makes me scared for. She didnt deserve this and I just wonder why did god choose her.
I had to let somebody know how I feel because nobody else will listen.


  • I'm so sorry that your going thru this my son was hospitalized at 10 days old for a urinary infection and I was told if treatment didn't work he'd have to have surgery cause they though it had something to do with his kidney but thank God he did well with the meds its a mother's worst fear to see they're lo sick. I will be keeping you and your DD in my prayers be strong momma I hope everything turns out.
  • Awe man I'm sorry she has to go threw all that!! I really hope her vision turns out okay in the future. This has got to be tough for you mommy. My baby just had surgery but not major like your lo best of luck!! Keep us updated!
  • @ZolaBean Thank you. I sure will. Her vision is already limited. So were hoping the surgery will help her vision in her right a lil more, thats if they agree on doing it. Her left eye she'll only be able to see shadows and light
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