5 month old baby & pregnant again this is crazy

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone else out there in the same situation ? Im still in shock this was unplannind I still can't believe this, wow


  • Good luck
  • Im in the same boat man i dont even know what to do anymore!! this is my 4th
  • My daughter was 6 months wen I got prego totally not planned either ! My new baby is 2 months now its hard but ull get thru it :) good luck
  • How far along are you?
  • Thanks &pregnant idk either this is my 2 and im starting college so on :/are its gonna b stressful and a partime job. & im 19soon but my hubby is very supportive
  • Thanks, is it ad for your body ?
  • Oh wow... My friends did that that on accident. The kids end up acting like twins bc they're so.close in age :) my friend also had an issue with post partum after the second baby because her hormones were so crazy and her body so drained. Not to scare you but just be aware just in.case and take care of yourself!!! Good luck
  • Thanks, is it ad for your body ?

  • Yeah im aware of postpartum but thanks &pregnant idk how far along I don't even have insurance I have 2 apply for medicaid
  • i'm in the same boat as you..but my baby is almost 6 months..i was using birth control, and condoms, but they kept breaking -_- I'm about 6 ish weeks pregnant..i dont know what i'm going to do about this!
  • My baby will b 6 months on the 13th its just so crazy im still in shock,I feel yah
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  • My baby is 7moths n now im 15wks with my second one
  • Yes that is true I trust in God I just wounder about his purpose of having another right now. &pregnant that's cool they have the same birthdays so does her cousin funny thing is we had our babies in the room right next 2 each other and we didn't even now we where cousins tell that day :)
  • wow how did u guys not know u were cousins jw
  • Well my uncle came up 2 visit her and bumped into my mom, & idk really she's a distant cousin, its weird we hadn't meet before
  • I know exactly wat u mean my baby is 3 and a half months old and im 7 weeks pregnant im still in shock my husband would use a condom n I was on BC.. _ still trying to figure this out
  • My daughter was due August 5th and born on the 12. The little snowflake I'm carrying now is due August 6th. :) I'm 8 weeks 3 days pregnant and my daughter is almost 5 months. :) good luck and my prayers are for ya!
  • lol its funny how God works my daughter was born September 12 and im due August 12 lol
  • I had a baby on august 25 my new baby is due august 9
  • There are like 5 other ladies on here expecting babies again so close! I think your all crazy! But marve agree my baby is out I will want another right away too! Who knows! hubbys mom had her 4 kids in 5 years. My brother and I are almost 2 years apart so thats what I want as of now!
  • Yeah it is crazy but unplanned I would have waited like a long time 5 yrs or so but things happen ig
  • yea it was unplanned I wanted to wait a few years but guess not lol at least my princess will have a brother or sis her age :) that's the good thing and if its a girl even better they can play Barbies and all that good stuff together. im excited
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  • Fyi to anyone who is exclusively bf..yes you can get pregnant even if you don't have a period. So you still need to use contraseptives(sp) like bc or condoms!
  • no im not bf and I dont believe that bf is a contraseptive I believe also that u have to be on BC or use condoms or to b on the real safe side use both :) jk I was using both n still got pregnant I believe God has a plan for everyone and I guess another baby is in my plan he wont give you anything you can't handle. so its a blessing. to me and im excited :)
  • im in the same situation as you, my little girl just turned 6 months and im 2 months pregnant. this was not planned at all either.
  • edited December 2011
    Mine was very much unplanned I am still figuring out how it's gonna work but I believe in God so that comforts me
  • Me too! She will be 6 months on Jan 8th and I'm almost 6 weeks pregnant. :)
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