is it bad on your body having babies so close 2gether ?

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
Jw if there is anything I can do


  • It is very hard on the body trust me!!
  • Im sure om worried about that :/
  • mine are all 17 months apart and i have three its hard on ur body but i havent had too much of a problem but deff not recommended by docs
  • I got prego wen my daughter was 6 months I was so so sore my body hurt so bad all the time, An I had preterm labor at 25 wks although idk if that had Anythang do wit it .
  • Yeah I but my trust in God but I have some worries because its a 50/50 chance the baby will have heart problems cuz my first does and had heart surgery at 8 days old but she has recovered excellenty
  • Eh.. I have a 4,3,2 and 2 month old and I haven had any problems... I guess it depends on your body :/
  • From what I've read online yes. But that's online so who knows. There's nothing but a bunch of crazies online if you ask me. ;)

    As we all know every pregnancy is diffrent. I would strongly recommend talking to your doctor and definitely not skipping the prenatals and maybe extra folic acid due to the body's natural depletion after pregnancy.
  • I bet it is I have a 3 and a half month old baby and im 7 weeks pregnant. it caught me by surprise because we were both protected my husband would use a condom and I was on BC so the babies will b about 11 months apart. so far no bad symptoms
  • Oh wow 11 months apart that's crazy , good luck is it your second? &idk I have 2a apply for medicaid don't have insurance or the money for it right now
  • yea I know yea its my 2nd. I have the medical card u can even apply online that's how I did it and they gave it to me right away. or go to a free pregnancy testing center n they help u apply. where do u live?
  • I live in Waterloo, Iowa
  • I have a 7 month old and am 5 months pregnant. had a c sectiin too. Its very taxing on you physically and emotionally. but i guess its good that theyll be close in age :)
  • congratulations yea im happy they will b close in age I would of liked me n my brothers and sisters to b that close in age but we are tooooo apart.. it would b nice to have someone close in age like my babies are going to b im excited.
  • I heard you should wait a year. But not everyone does that! It shouldn't be anything to actually worry about I wouldn't think.
  • i just had my c section oct 10th and i been tryng for 2 months
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